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---Jack's POV-----

I pushed through the pain in my shoulder and rolled over off Alec and looked at him worried.

"What's going on?!"

Alec worriedly looks at his hands.

"We need to get out of here now!"

Crawling over to the weapons depot I hear the thick bullet proof door click unlock and I send a silent thank you to Jarvis before pulling it open long enough to crawl into it before it locks again only opening when the others slowly crawl in. Alec comes in last and pulls the door shut and then goes over to the computer and opens the vaults that our weapons are in.

"What's going on Jarvis?"

It was not hard to notice the small tremble in Alec's voice but we had other things to worry about.

"I am assuming it is at the time when your mother got shot."

We all look at each other.

"Pepper hasn't been shot before."

Before we could react to anything else I hear a smash outside the door and assume it's the Hulk and grab my bow and arrows wincing. This is not good.

---Isabelle's POV----

I push through the pain to try to stand but the groggy feeling made it hard. I felt an arm go around my waist to help me and I look up and see Bruce before I look over at Tony.

"I need you to make me something I can use so I can walk on my own, crutches, a cane, a walker it doesn't matter. Make me something so I can stop this guy."

"And what would you do? Look at him in pain? You can't do anything in your condition."

I ignore my father and look Tony in the eyes.

"Get me something I can use to walk and so I can help Pepper."

Deep inside I felt bad for lying to him because I wanted to help her but I knew I couldn't unless I took care of the threat and as much as it pained me to say her and Alec came second, he could hurt the others or an innocent bystander. But lucky for me I knew that Pepper was probably the single most important person to Tony at least right now and he'd believe anything if he thought it would save her. I just hope he'd forgive me later.

"I need to get up the stairs and out of this room."

I was gently picked up and then was moved up the stairs and over towards the elevator. I closed my eyes and laid my head on the persons shoulder felling the edge of an arrow I relaxed a little bit. I heard the ding of the elevator and tightened my hold on Clint but couldn't help think about Jack and couldn't help but wish it was him here with me instead of his father. I heard the doors close and a button being pushed before I feel my feet gently touch the ground and I make myself let go of him and open my eyes grabbing the side rail inside the elevator.

"After you get the walker from Tony you should leave. Get this done as fast as possible and then get back here so you can leave."

"That's what I was planning on."

Clint nods and helps me walk out of the elevator to a waiting man with a cane who hands it to me. I gently take it and Clint slowly takes his arm away but stays behind me as I take a shaky step. My whole body screams in pain but I push through it using the cane as a support and start slowly walking to the door.

"This is crazy! She can barely stand up on her own let alone fight."

I keep slowly walking until I stop at the door breathing heavily. I close my eyes and try and calm my breathing before opening them.

"I need a gun."

Clint walks over to me and hands me a pistol and a gun holster. I nod in thanks before taking it and then slowly walk outside.

"Ma'am. I'm coming with you. I agree with Bruce, we shouldn't leave you alone. You're too weak and you wouldn't last very long in a fight."

"Lucky for me I have a reason to live. Anyways I can't risk anyone else getting hurt who knows what Pepper getting hurt has done to my time line. Just stay here and keep each other safe that's all you guys can do."

"She's right Steve we need to let her go."

I opened the door blinking a couple times my eyes taking a minute to adjust to the light before I took a couple deep breaths and then slowly took a couple steps before feeling out of breath. I pushed past it and walked over to the street and hailed a taxi. I took one look back at them and smiled a small smile before getting into the cab. Handing the cabbie a piece of paper with an address I sit back and watch Clint, Bruce, and my father stand there watching me leave. Watching them turn into small figures the further away I get from them the urge to cry washes over me, hoping that when no if I come back they'd all be safe.

"So you know Mr. Stark?"

I jump slightly forgetting about the cabbie.

"Sort of."

"I heard they were attacked earlier."

I looked out the window laying my head on the glass window.

"When aren't they."

He chuckles, "I guess you're right about that."

--Jack's POV---

Shooting another person, my shoulders pulsing in pain. How many damned people are there left! I knew I was reaching my limit and if I didn't get my arm checked out soon I'd end up with an arm like Bucky's. I glance over to make sure Alec was still there hoping we didn't lose him again, he'd already disappeared twice and he wasn't looking very well right now. A lightning bolt goes shooting right past my head only to hit something behind me. Nodding my thanks to Jacob I go back to focusing on the enemies. Soon the people get lesser and lesser until there wasn't anyone else coming through. I walked over to the nearest wall and slid down it until I was sitting and I laid my bow and arrow on the floor next to me. Jade ran over to me with a worried expression on her face.

"We need to get you to a doctor."

"I need you to just pull the bullet out and sow it up until we know if there are anymore of those guys coming."

She gave me a look with a mix of disgust and sass.

"We are getting you to a doctor and I am not going to be pulling anything out."

Jacob walks over to me and helps me stand up I look over and panic not seeing Alec.


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