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--------Alex's POV--------

At first it felt like nothing but a lightness in my stomach and then it slowly spread throughout my body. I felt like what I imagined a cloud would be like, lightheaded and then it was like nothing could ever get me. I could feel myself slowly slipping from reality and it was oddly very relaxing. It felt like the world had finally lifted off my shoulders and I didn't have to worry about anything, I didn't have to worry about people hurting my friends or family. I didn't have to worry about protecting anyone from some unknown danger and I don't have to worry about anything going wrong because I was nothing more than a weightless cloud. And then all my peaceful reality switched into chaotic life as I was pulled back into life and all my worries smacked into me like tons of bricks. I couldn't help but wish for that peace once again but as I look at my worried friends faces I know that I have to stay for then to help then fight this evil whether I was happy or not.

I was broken from my thoughts when I was nearly tackled to the ground in a hug from Jade which was highly unusual because she wasn't a big hugger when it comes to anyone other than Isabelle and her father. I gently hug her back and gently rub her back.

"I'm sorry if I worried you guys but I'm here still. What's the stats on everyone?"

Jade hugs me tighter before letting go,

"Jack's hurt, I've got a couple scratches but nothing to bad and Jacob's got a bruise or two but he's fine other than that."

I nod and focus on Jack and see his arm looking less than great, blood covering his arm making me worry about how much he's losing and then I start to worry about what it could have hit. I went and quickly get the first aid kit.

"I'm going to try and clean it so that we can see how bad it is. It'll probably hurt like a mother so please don't hurt me."

I grab out some antiseptic pads and start cleaning as much of the blood off him as I possibly can while also trying to make it as painless as possible. With it clean it doesn't look as bad as I had initially thought it was grabbing the tweezers from the first aid kit I start talking about the best topic to get his mind off the idea I'm going to be digging around in his shoulder trying to get a bullet out.

"So what are you going to say to Isabelle when you finally see her again, I mean other than I've moved on and have fallen in love with Alec."

I hear him chuckle and smile a little bit when I start trying to get the bullet out. I had barely noticed that Jacob had moved over to us and was trying to help keep Jack from reflexively punching me in the face.

"I mean is this going to turn into one of the sappy romance novels I read where you two meet in the middle of some beach you both mysteriously end up in at the same time while it's raining, I mean like honestly who goes to the beach when it's going to rain outside not me. And then when you see each other you run into each others embrace and kiss, because damn count me in and give me a front row seat and popcorn."

As he begins to talk I can hear the strain and pain he has in voice,

"Oh yes because I'm totally the sappy romantic of our group."

"Well you have to make it up to her somehow I mean you left without saying goodbye."

I nod in agreement with Jade and mentally sigh in relief when I find the bullet and quickly but slowly pull it out of his arm. Ignoring all his cussing I start to clean off his wound before beginning to stitch it up.

"After we finish being shot at and everything's good again I'm going to have to loan you some of my books."

He groans and mumbles something about how he'd rather get shot again.


---Jack's POV----

I'd rather die the most painfully excruciating death then have to read one of Alec's romance novel's but he did a great job distracting me. Isabelle. I wanted to be angry at Tony for sending her into some unknown situation alone but the only emotions that accompanied my thoughts of her were worry. I wish i could just get some kind of symbol that she was alive and okay. Why couldn't I have gone with her or gone by myself. The more I think about it the more I want to shot something Tony shaped. After Alec finishes stitching up my arm I get up and grab my bow and arrow.

"Lets get going we still need to make sure the rest of the house is secure."

Wherever she is please let her be okay.

"If she's in the past can't we just ask Jarvis if she's okay?"

We all freeze and look at Jacob.

"I never really thought about that but I don't see the harm in trying."

My heartbeat races at the thought, hoping, no needing desperately for her to be okay.

"Jarvis can you tell us if Isabelle is okay?"

We waited silently, I'm sure everyone was holding their breaths.

"I'm sorry but that information has been classified. Only your parents are allowed to access that information."

I was about to say something along the lines about not giving a damn if its classified or not but my thoughts were cut short with another blast somewhere in the building. I shoke off the dizziness and pain I felt before going to get my arrows from the bodies in the room before heading out of the room with the others ready for whatever tried to attack us.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2018 ⏰

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