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The room went died silent as everyone digested what Tony had said. after a few second the room erupted in shouts about how Tony was crazy and there was no way I was going to the past. I sat there as Tony ignored everyone's shouts, and watched me, waiting for my answer. I took a depth breath,

"I'll go."

The room went silent.

"I'm sorry I don't think I heard you right." Alec said as everyone looked at me.

"I said I would go, I would do it."

After I said that the room erupted in shouts, this time aimed at me. I looked around the room at everyone; Alec, Jacob, and Jackson looked like they wanted to choke me, Jade looked at me with a mixture of you-must-be-insane and -I'm-pretty-sure-your-insane, Bruce looked like he was trying to keep the Hulk at bay, while Pepper looked at me with worry in her eyes and looked at Tony like she wanted to hit him with a chair, Clint's face was neutral as well as was my moms, my dads face looked like he wanted to beat Tony to death and then bring him back to life to kill him again, T'Challa had the same look on his face as Jade has, and I'm pretty sure Thor was gonna through a coffee cup at someone.

"When do I leave?"

I saw Jackson get up and leave, then a few seconds later the front door slammed shut.

"When can you be ready?"

"Give me ten minutes to say good bye to everyone."

Tony nodded and walked off towards his lab with my dad following him.

"I'll go downstairs to make sure Steve doesn't kill Tony, so I'll see you later kid." Clint said and then left the room.

Pepper came over and squeezed me into a hug, "Be careful and safe." I hugged her back then she let go tears in her eyes.

I then got lifted off the ground and squeezed to death, "I will miss you lady Isabelle."

"Thor can't breath." He loosened his hug setting me back on the ground.

"I'll miss you to Thor." I said and hugged him really quick.

"You can't leave meeeeeee...with them." Jade said gripping me into a tight hug while crying.

T'Challa came over and Jade went over and hugged him, he nodded to me and walked away with a crying Jade.

I went over to Bruce and hugged him.

"I'm gonna miss you kiddo."

"I'm going to miss both of you too." I let go of Bruce and saw a flash of the Hulks eyes, I gave them a small smile then turned over to Alec and Jacob.

I gave them both a hug which they both returned, "Be safe and come back to us." I gave them a smile, before Alec walked away I grabbed his hand. "Would you tell Jack I said goodbye." he gave me a sad smile and a nod.

My mom came up to me and gave me a quick hug then she left saying she had to go check on something.

I let out a deep breath and I started to walk downstairs.

"Goodbye Jarvis."

"Goodbye Miss Rodgers."

I reached the lab to see Clint holding back my dad from punching Tony.

I yelled stop which got their attention.

I went over to my dad and gave him a hug. I felt a drop hit my head and looked up to see him crying.

"I'll be okay." I gave him one last squeeze and then let go turning to Tony.

He gave me a hug, then started to explain everything.

"Okay well when you step through the machine you should end up at the same time which he had gone. Now it's important not to tell anyone who you really are do I make myself clear." I nodded then he continued, "When you get to the other side you might feel a little light headed but nothing to bad and again do not tell anyone who you really are because if you do you will mess up the future." I nodded again and walked towards the time machine.

Tony started the machine up and I turned around to get one last look at my family, then without a second thought I took a step through the machine.


Jackson/Jack on the side--->

A Superhero's Daughter ( A Marvels Avengers FanFic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora