Chapter 26

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"He never even looked at them..." Luther says. "Why would he...? Why not?" He asks. "Why not?!" He yells.

"Luther! Luther, you need to tie me up so I can..." Klaus says before seeing the wasted man. "Are you drinking. Holy sh..." He laughs. "Holy shit, you're drunk. And you busted into Dad's liquor cabinet. He's gonna be so pissed."

"Get him. Dad. Do it, now," Luther demands.

"I tolf you already, all right? I can't!" Klaus says before getting choked.

"Little shit!" Luther yells. "Please... I..." He says, releasing Klaus.

"Jesus Christ," Klaus says. "Luther! Of course I tried! All right? God knows, I've tried, but he is as he was in life, he's a stubborn prick!"

"He needs to answer to me for what he did. For sending me up there. I sacrificed everything for him, my entire life. I never left this house. I never had friends. And for what? For nothing."

"Oh, no, no, no, no. Hey, just... just..." Klaus says, trying to comfort his brother. "Just relax, okay? Just... just relax. I... I could try again. I mean, I can't promise I'm clean enough. But just... Hey, come on. Hey, hey, hey, come on. That's... that's enough of that. Enough of that. Come on. Chin up there, big guy. It's okay. Just go. Why... why don't we find the others? I'm sure Allison could help."

"I don't want her," Luther replies. "I don't want them to see me like this, Besides, I... You know, I'd just hold them back. What they're doing is too important."

"What are you talking about? You're our Number One, remember? 'O Captain! My Captain!' Remember?" Klaus asks as they share a laugh before Luther starts crying.


"You know, Diego was right," Luther says. "Dad sent me up to the Moon... because he couldn't stand the sight of this," He says, sighing. "Of what... of what he did to me. Of what I've become."

"No, no, no. That's... that's not... it..." Klaus says. "Damn it, Dad was such an asshole right to the end," Klaus sighs. "You know, if... if there's anything else... that I can do, or..."

"I wanna be like you," Luther answers. "I wanna do whatever it is that you..."

"No, no, no, no."

"Yeah. I do. Yeah."

"You don't. No. Absolutely not," Klaus rejects.

"Come on, Klaus. Cause you... you always seem so carefree, and I just need it. I... I wanna be Number Four."

"Trust me, trust me. You don't want that," Klaus tells Luther. "What you need is just... just lay down, sleep it off. You'll feel better in the morning. Okay?"

"Fine, I'll go by myself," Luther says, getting up.

"What? No. No, no, no. Luther! Luther, I can't let you..." He says before he gets hit and Luther disappears. "Oh shit."


"Would it really be so bad if we didn't find the briefcase?" Hazel asks.

"You know what happens to people who step out of line," Cha-Cha responds.

"i guess I'm just tired of all this being told what to do, where to go. Wouldn't it be nice to kill who you want for a change? Not who the Commission tells us to?" Hazel asks. "Sure are in the middle of nowhere."

"What are you doing?" Cha-Cha asks as a gun clicks.

"Just tying my shoe."

"Our only choice is to do what theys ay. One way or another, they always get you."

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