Warm Place To Sleep

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Gaege Pov

Relief flows through my veins as I lay there next to Eddie. I have a place to sleep now. I'm not stuck next to sleeping next to a weirdo that when I'm not expecting it will steal the little money I have left. Or try and hit on me to try and get a free hook up. I'm glad that I won't have to do that anymore. I can go out in the morning and sit there until night time. Then I can come to  Eddie's apartment and sleep in a nice and warm bed. With a nice and warm body. With someone who's this kind hearted and nice. Someone that will open their arms to a prostitute. Because they think that they deserve love and affection too. I smile and look over at Eddie who has his eyes closed now. I have no idea how to thank him. Maybe I can use some of the money I have to get him something. No, he probably won't like that. I stare at him, the heavy breathing come from him makes me feel safe. I haven't felt this content since when I still was able to live at home. I was kicked out when I came out. I'm gay, but I'll sleep with men and women. Because either way the money's the same. It doesn't matter where it comes from, just that it comes. I smile at Eddie again. And then I lean over and place a kiss on his forehead. I roll over then and try to fall asleep.

Eddie Pov

I feel the press of lips against my forehead and resist the urge to open my eyes to it. Once I feel Gaege move over, I open my eyes and touch my fingers to my forehead. I smile and then try to fall asleep, my heart beating quickly.

Hope you guys liked it! Luv you all! More to come!!!!!!!!!!!!

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