|Chapter 7|

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I woke up the next morning later than usual. Luna was already gone, which is normal. What wasn't normal, though, was Cho being awake. And before me.

She noticed me waking up, and walked over to my bed.

"Morning, sleepy-head," she hovered her face above me, smiling.

"What?" I sat up.

"You overslept," Cho giggled.

"Nooo, really," I replied, sarcasm sitting on my tongue. All Cho did was smile. "Where's Luna?" I asked. "She went on a walk," She answered.

"oh ok," I said. I pushed back my covers and headed to the bathroom to get ready.


Once I was ready, I got my bag and headed out of the dorm and through the common room. As I was going out, Luna was coming in. "Hey, Luna!" I said cheerfully.

"Hello, Y/n!" Luna greeted me in her sing-song voice.

"I'm heading to class. Have fun," I smiled. She said goodbye too and I left.

In potions, I sat near the back and didn't do anything that would get me in trouble. Who knows if Snape knew I told. He probably doesn't even know I saw them.

Once class was over, I made my way down the hall. It was my last class, so I had the rest of the day to myself


I walked to the library, hoping to get a good bit of reading in. But that didn't happen. I walked in and nobody was there. Except for Lucius. Great.


"Oh, hi Lucius," I pretended I didn't notice him.

"Hello," he said. I picked a book I knew was pretty good and sat down at a table in the back.

"Are you excited for the ball tomorrow?" I jumped. Why does he always scare me? Ugh.

"Sure," I didn't take my eyes off of the book

"Who are you going with?" He asked

I paused in the middle of a sentence in the book. "Nobody."

He didn't have to remind me.

"Oh. I didn't know," he seemed sorry.

I hummed. "It's alright. Everybody here is weird," I said, making Lucius laugh a little.

He asked me a few more things, like if I had a dress. After a while, he left, because he was having a meeting with Dumbledore.

I finished my book a couple of hours later and sighed when I closed it. It was 6 pm.

My stomach growled, but dinner wasn't until 7:45. Maybe the elves would fork over a snack. I made my way to the kitchen and stood in the doorway awkwardly. An elf finally noticed me and walked over.

"Is there anything I can help you with, Miss?" he asked me.

"Umm... yes, actually. You see, I'm sorta hungry, but dinner isn't until 7:45, so I was wondering if you guys had something to eat. Maybe an orange or something?" I explained.

"Yes ma'am. Follow me, You can pick something," I followed the elf through the kitchen and to another room filled with shelves, all of them were packed full of food.

I didn't want to seem greedy, so I just took a peach and some water. It will fill me enough until dinner.

I thanked the elf and left the kitchen. He even cut my peach into slices for me and peeled it so I didn't have to.

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