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Lately I've been busy,
Wonderin' if you miss me,
Why did you go against me?
I just wanna know,
How come you act so different?
Talk to me, I'll listen
All the love I'm giving,
Don't act like you don't know

I was out there on the road,
Life out of control,
She became a victim to my busy schedule,
And I know that it's not fair,
That don't mean that I don't care,
This one's dedicated to the girl out there.


I nictated my eyes, still half asleep as a smile instantaneously curled over my lips upon remembering what day it is today. I quickly roll over to my side to wrap my arms around Lisa but to my dismay, the other side of the bed is already empty. I shot my eyes open and sit on my bed simultaneously brushing my messy hair.

I stared at the empty bed and a lour made its way to my visage in an instant. I let out a deep sigh before standing up to do my morning routine.

It is the weekend, we should be spending some quality time together but I doubt if we can even still do that. She is probably busy talking to her clients from abroad or busy doing her business thing. We barely even eat breakfast and dinner together, the only time that we have in the weekdays is lunch time. We have the same lunch break so we would go over to Jisoo Eonnie's shop and eat there.

And during the night, we rarely interact in the house because we go home late and the other one is already sound asleep.

You see, this routine only happened when she got hired by the biggest photography company in France. She became very busy and too preoccupied with her work that she sometimes forgot I exist. I mean, it is sad but I understand her. Photography is her passion and who am I to stop her from doing the things she love?

That would be unfair because ever since from the beginning, Lisa supported me with everything and anything I do unless it is not good for me.

I cleansed my face with the towel and went out of the bathroom. I checked the clock and saw it's 8:16 A.M.

Usually 8 o'clock is still early for me in the weekends and so as to Lisa. I snapped my head around as the sweet aroma of pancakes hit my nostrils. I crack a smile and hurriedly went downstairs only to see Lisa cooking with her yellow apron while humming a song. My heart melted at the scene in front of me, I leaned my back over the glass door and crossed my arms over my chest as I watch Lisa's antics.

I am happy she didn't leave. I missed her, it feels like I haven't seen her for so long even though we only live in the same roof.

"Aish! Damn it! Why can't these pancakes be perfect?!" She muttered to herself while flipping the pancake only to make a mess. I giggled at her.

"Come on, panckie! I need to impress my girlfriend with my cooking skills." I laughed at the name she gave to the pancake. She was busy trying to make the pancake perfect that she didn't notice I was already here.

"Maybe you should learn from Uncle Marco." I teased, walking inside the kitchen while plopping myself on the stool bar making her flinched in shock.

"Love! Don't do that!" She reprimanded while pointing the spatula at me. I smiled cutely as I repose my elbows on the kitchen top while holding both of my cheeks.

Lisa instantaneously smile and walk towards me to give me a peck on the lips, making me giggle like a high schooler.

"Good morning, love." She grinned, her face few inches away from me.

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