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"Love, can you get the mail for me?" I shouted from the kitchen when I heard the whole house buzzed, indicating that we had receive a mail.

"Okay." Jennie replied in a loud yet soft tone as she drags the word out. I smiled at how cute her voice is.

"Thank you!" I yelled back with my smile never leaving my face. I carry on scrambling the eggs simultaneously putting peppers in it.

Today is both of our rest day, meaning, we have the whole day to spend time together. I've been making up to her and I'm glad we are kinda back to what we used to. I changed my daily routine just to make time for her again, I shut my phone off every Sunday so I wouldn't be disturbed as I spend my free day with her. It actually felt really good, my stress lessen and I became even more productive. She's indeed still my rest though, there is no doubting that.

Jennie and I had gotten a lot more closer and as we get even more closer, I realized that I can't bear to lose her. I didn't sign up for this just to lose her in the process. I didn't survive all the pain just for us to fall apart.

"Lalisa!" I was snapped out from my thoughts when I heard my girlfriend calling my name with her very unusual tone.

"Manoban!" Jennie barged in the kitchen, calling me by my last name with her arms crossed in vexation while eyebrows furrowed at me.

"Yes, love?" I quizzed while tilting my left brow in confusion. Jennie huffed on her breath, her cheeks popping out.

"Who the hell sent you expensive flowers this early in the morning?" Jennie quizzed in an even vexed tone, her eyes shooting daggers at me.

"What? Are you sure it's for me?"

Jennie nodded her head, still looking like an angry kid, "I'm a hundred percent sure. It had your name on it." My curiosity withdrew because of my girlfriend's antics. I stiffled a laugh, earning rolling eyes from her.

"Who in the Earth you are dating behind my back?" I rigorously shake my head, simultaneously laughing.

"I swear to God, Lalisa." Jennie warned, still deluging me with her glares. I just shook my head in amusement.

"Let me see it." I softly said with a smile and walked towards the living room with Jennie trailing behind me with her heavy treads.

I furrowed my brows upon seeing a bouquet of Juliet Rose. I swiftly grabbed the white envelope from the top of it.

To: Mademoiselle Lisa Manoban.

I released a chortle as I finally realized who sent the flowers. I glanced at Jennie who is now sitting on the sofa with her arms still crossed, obviously sulking.

"What are you staring at?" She huffed without looking at me while reaching for the tv remote.

"It's from Hedi, silly." I replied, still chuckling.

"Hedi? As in Hedi Slimane?" Jennie tilted her head and stared at me in perplexity. I nodded my head.

"Why would he?" She quizzed, curious as to why he had to do the gesture, "It's an invitation for the Paris Fashion Week. I already told you that, right?" I replied with a small chuckle.

Jennie raised her brows, "Uhm, no. You haven't. It's the first time I'm hearing this from you." She said.

Oh, right... I was supposed to tell her the other day but I forgot when I saw her having a lunch with the waiter guy from Jisoo's shop. It's Kyle or Kaye... I don't know, I forgot.

Speaking of him, he was such a nice guy. I thought he was bad news and hitting on Jennie but I was wrong. He was actually very chill and gregarious. He reminds me of Jungkook though...

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