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"Okay, look straight into the camera, Jennie. Be fierce, be fierce. Alright, there!" Hugo Comte, Jennie's photographer for Marie Claire mandated her which the brunette did acquiescently.

"Perfect!" Hugo Comte cheered after clicking the shutter to capture Jennie's alluring grace. He grinned after seeing the outcome, satisfied by his photography skills.

"Should I wear the next eyeglass now?" Jennie quizzed while furrowing her brows as she removed her previous eyewear.

"It's up to you, sweetheart. You look absolutely stunning by just wearing anything. I bet you could even make ragged raiments look classy when you wear it." The photographer vocalized that made the feline smile coyly.

"She's such a fashion icon though." Lee Sang-won, Jennie's manager, utter beside the photographer with a smile on her face, "She is." Hugo bobbed his head, agreeing with the manager's statement.

"She is the one who styles herself and I admire her taste. That woman is so powerful, she could dominate the world. Indeed, she's a true designer. I'm proud of her." The manager wholeheartedly vocalized while looking at the brunette who is too preoccupied trying on different eyewears, she, herself, designed.

"That is true. Ever since she started her modeling career, I already had my eyes glued on her and being able to have the chance to capture her behind cameras was truly an honor. That girl knows what she's doing. She is so empowering." Comte replied with a smile, scrolling through his photographs of Jennie.

" Comte replied with a smile, scrolling through his photographs of Jennie

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