14. summer love

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The next morning they were woken up by glorious sunshine. Overnight, clouds had dispersed and the wind died down. After a simple breakfast of eggs and toast, Tezuka took Mayu around the three-story apartment complex. The top two floors were reserved for living while the first floor housed examination and conference rooms. In the back was a large green space divvied between a flower garden, a vegetable garden and two tennis courts.

Admiring fiery petunias and poppies in full bloom, Mayu said, "This is such a cute little place! Who maintains the back garden?"

"All of us living here," answered Tezuka. He told her that besides physiotherapy sessions, clients were also asked to participate in gardening, gentle exercise regimens, music and art lessons. "Most residents here are athletes recuperating from some form of severe injury. However, healing involves both the body and the mind. The doctors here ask us to perform these everyday activities and work on new hobbies to disengage from our competitive mindset."

Mayu nodded. "Wise. I imagine you'd all go crazy if you stayed here, gritting your teeth and counting down the days to discharge. Do you have a schedule to follow?"

"Only on weekdays when staff are working."

Stopping at the tennis courts, Mayu watched two men playing a friendly rally. Occasionally one would call out the score in German while the other responded with a grin. From their limber movements and cheery banters, it was hard to believe that they were recovering from injuries.

"With a place like this," she said, "I bet it'll be hard for you to go back to the frantic pace of Tokyo, huh?"

Watching the ball bounce against the court line, Tezuka shook his head. "I can't wait to go back."

"Because of your team?"

He nodded. "The coach called recently to tell me we've made it into the top eight schools in the region."

"Meaning, Seigaku is getting closer and closer to the top."

"It's the first time our school has made it this far since Samurai Nanjiro's time."

"As the captain, it must kill you to be away and hear about the happenings from afar."

Tezuka shook his head again. "Think that way, and I won't be able to move forward. All I can do is focus on solving the problem in front of me, which is to heal as fast as I can. To get there, the right thing to do is to follow the doctors' advice, trust this process and be patient. Results will follow in due time."

While he spoke, Mayu kept her eyes to the courts and tried to ignore the twists and turns of her stomach. Suddenly, she was torn between continuing this fling and leaving immediately. What were they doing, investing time in each other as if there was a sure tomorrow?

"How long will you work at the Parliament?" Tezuka's voice broke through her thoughts.

"Until the end of August."

"And after that?"

"University, of course. I've decided to stay in Strasbourg and hopefully, after a few years and a degree, I'd be able to return to the Parliament as a formal staff. If not there, then the United Nations." She looked up and studied his side profile, "And you? Will you stay in Japan?"

"I want to be a professional tennis player," replied Tezuka with stone certainty. "I'll go wherever that takes me."

Not wanting to continue this unsettling conversation, Mayu pivoted and started heading back. "Let's take a walk around town. We haven't had a chance to get a closer look."

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