15. leaving

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Tezuka rode the train to Strasbourg the following week. Riding on the tram to pick him up, Mayu thought that she should play it safe and end this fling sooner rather than later. 

Yet the moment he emerged from the flood of passengers, any thought of the end dissipated. Her heart fluttered and leapt forth in a way that made the end seem unbearable. Maybe tomorrow, she told herself.

All weekend Mayu was stuck in a tug-of-war between telling him now or later. Goodbye was easier in theory than done, it occurred to her, when the hurt wasn't in view. As she was thinking this, it was already Saturday night and he was leaving Sunday morning. The clock was ticking, yet she couldn't even begin to rehearse the lines to a break-up.

They were rounding the corner to her street when somebody stepped out from a nearby entryway and cried, "Mayu Ohara!"

She looked up to see James standing in the lamplight, his face red and splotchy. "What are you doing here?" she asked in alarm.

"I figured this is the only way to get you to respond to my texts: show up."

"How did you even know where I lived?"

"Intern files."

"That's confidential information—"

He snorted and scoffed simultaneously. "Who's gonna know I peeked?" Looking Tezuka up and down, he smirked, "This is who you've been spending time with?"

"Go home. You're wasted."

"Why are you so afraid to answer?"

Provoked by his derisive tone, Mayu snapped, "Yes, okay? It's none of your business what I do with my time—"

"Then why the hell did you lead me on earlier?"

"We talked at work and went to get coffee a few times. We never talked beyond books, society and culture," she said. "You led yourself on."

Even submerged in layers of shadows, she could tell James' face was starting to turn purple with rage. Sensing aggression mounting, Tezuka stepped in front of Mayu protectively and said, "I think you should leave. You've caused enough disturbance."

He laughed. "Eager to have me leave so you won't hear the ugly truth?"

"What might that be?"

"That's she's only using you to pass time. Not to mention, she's an idiot for dumping her chances with someone like me, who's well-read, sophisticated and has a shining career ahead." Appraising Tezuka with glazed-over eyes, James laughed again. "And what are you? I hear you're an athlete? That's not a career considering only a tiny percentage of people make it. You're heading towards a dead-end!"

Stepping out from behind Tezuka, Mayu shot back, "He's an outstanding athlete and he will become pro one day. He's just as well-read and worldly, but unlike you, he doesn't flaunt it and cheapen that knowledge like you do. He's twice the man you are when it comes to character." Pointing down the street, Mayu said, "This is your last chance to go before I call the police."

The corner of his mouth twitching at her final words, James glowered one last time before staggering away. They stood for a minute until he disappeared around the bend of the road. Only then did Mayu allow her breathing to catch up. Feet numb and hands trembling, she started up the stairs to her studio.

"I have to call my boss," she said on the way up. "He'll hate me for calling on a Saturday night, but this can't wait."

Catching her elbow, Tezuka reached for her hand and said, "You're ice cold. You're in shock and you should rest."

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