21. ryoma & sakuno

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Exactly fifteen minutes later, Tezuka reappeared in the lobby while Mayu nursed her espresso. Hearing footsteps, she closed her book and looked up: accompanying him now was a younger-looking man with pine-colored hair and piercing amber eyes.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," apologized Tezuka as they approached her table. "It's been a chaotic day."

Mayu nodded. She felt his companion's eyes on her and she met his gaze. One look and she immediately recognized him as the arrogant freshman from Seigaku. Before she could speak, however, he said, "I remember you. You're that senior foreign exchange student, Ohara Mayu."

Surprise and relief instilled Mayu. She was glad to not be the only one with unusually clear memories of Seigaku. "And you're that freshman on the tennis team."

"Echizen Ryoma," he said.

"Looks like no introductions are needed," said Tezuka. "Echizen is now the assistant director of the Event Operations department and also an advisor to the national team. We work closely on a few projects."

"In other words," said Mayu, "you two are on the same team again."

"Echizen was in the U.S. for several years. The association called him back to join as an executive because they needed someone with overseas experience to help manage events and foreign team relations. He relocated to Tokyo a year ago," explained Tezuka.

Mayu looked at Tezuka then back at Ryoma. "I see. The association scouted both of you. It's a small world."

"Isn't it?" said Ryoma, the corners of his lips upturned. "Because you're back here, too."

Mayu was about to respond, but she was interjected by a petite figure dashing over. Hand on her chest and her hair mussed, she said to Ryoma, "Sorry I'm late!" Noticing Tezuka, she bowed, "Good afternoon, Tezuka-senpai."

While Tezuka reciprocated with a nod, Mayu honed in on her braided hair. "Aren't you from before?"

Taking notice of Mayu, she blushed and bowed again. "Ah, yes! Thank you again for helping us out today! My manager and I would've been in big trouble without you."

"What happened?" asked Ryoma.

Briefly, Tezuka recapped their misunderstanding with Gérald Simon and Mayu's translation. At the end, the young woman said timidly, "Thank you, Tezuka-senpai, for showing up to help as well."

Mayu watched the dynamics play out between the three of them. "Do you three all know each other?"

The young woman blushed. "Sorry for not having introduced myself. I'm Ryuzaki Sakuno. I used to attend Seigaku with Ryoma-kun and Tezuka-senpai."

"Ryuzaki..." To herself, Mayu murmured, "That sounds familiar."

"She's our coach's granddaughter," explained Tezuka.

"Wow, it truly is a small world." Offering a slight bow, Mayu said, "I'm Ohara Mayu. Pleased to meet you."

They exchanged another round of pleasantries before parting ways. When Mayu and Tezuka were a distance away from the building, she asked him, "They're dating, aren't they?"

"Nothing escapes you, I see."

"It was too obvious to miss. How long have they been together?"

"Around three years, maybe. They started in university."

"Looks like we're still the winners," joked Mayu.

"I didn't realize it's a competition." Reaching for her hand, Tezuka said with a small smile, "In any case, you've done us a tremendous favor today. Where should I take you for dinner?"

She arched an eyebrow. "Do you have to ask?"

"No, that was my bad. It's that French restaurant in Roppongi, isn't it? You were raving about it when we went there to celebrate your job at Aomachi."

"You got it," grinned Mayu.

They took the direct subway line to the restaurant and got a table with a sweeping night view of the Roppongi Hill complex. Mayu ordered the seared quail—a house specialty—while Tezuka ordered the bass. For dessert, they split an apple tarte tatin over coffee. By the time the table was cleared, it was close to nine p.m.

Gentle night breeze had removed lingering heat from the day and brought a certain calm to the bustling city. While they walked towards the train station, Tezuka said, "There's something else I meant to tell you. I didn't want to bring up business over dinner."

"So you're going to bring it up before bed?"

"We aren't home yet."

"I'm kidding," chuckled Mayu. "What is it?"

"Director Yanagi took Gérald's advice: he wants to offer you a job."

"Now you're the one joking around."

"It's no joke. Director Yanagi spoke to me before I left so I could pass this message to you. If you're interested, they'll set up an informal interview next week. But from the sounds of it, he's already set on hiring you."

"But I don't have any expertise in tennis. Are they hiring me for translation?"

"Being a translator would be a waste of your potential. I told him about your previous experience with the European Parliament and he was very impressed. He'd like you to join as a manager for event promotions. It's a smalls section that oversees national and international tennis tournaments, so your knowledge of stakeholder and foreign relations would be highly valuable. Not to mention, no one in the entire association speaks as many languages as you."

Mayu took in this news silently. "From the sounds of it, I'd have to quit my teaching job."

"This job aligns better with your career directions. Plus, I think it'd be more fulfilling to you than teaching."

There was no arguing that logic. On paper, it looked like one step up. Yet something about this arrangement nagged Mayu. They walked on for several minutes, their reticence filled by the sounds of cars whizzing by. 

When they passed the pink storefront of a beauty shop, Mayu was finally able to put her unease into words: she didn't want to be like Ryuzaki Sakuno. Working full-time at the association meant she'd be tethered to Tezuka. It meant people would think of him when they saw her: she wouldn't be Ohara Mayu, but "Tezuka's fiancée".

When several minutes passed without a word, Tezuka said gently, "If you aren't interested, please don't feel pressured to accept. Doing what makes you happy is the most important thing."

"Thank you for saying that," she said appreciatively. "Give me a day to think about it, and I'll let you know."


a/n: Based on the comments I got from my other story, I think not too many readers are going to be happy seeing Ryoma & Sakuno together. But don't worry - the twist is coming ;) 

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