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All Rights Reserved. No part of this book maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Places and Incidents either are author's imagination or are use fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


One day your heart will take you to your lover
One day your soul will carry you to the beloved
Don’t get lost in the pain; know that one day your pain will become your cure.



Everybody thought that there were only two worlds- one of the moneyed and another of the poor. These two worlds were often the ones that received all the attention, all the respect, all the privileges, and all the significant benefits. Nevertheless, there was a veiled third world, embodying genetically unique people, the blessed. And incongruously, she was a part of it.

When she was born again, because of Him, she had nothing. She was oblivious to all; her past was lost in the mist of expunged memories, she possessed no knowledge of speech but a name that He had given her upon her awakening. She seemed to have no history, or even if she had, she was kept away from it. He helped her through this arduous phase, assisting people who taught her language so she could communicate. She grasped everything she was taught, and liberated herself from the burden of relying on others.

It was in winter, December 21st to be precise, when she gained consciousness. She did not have any memory but of that day. December, 21st. She had opened her eyes to the heart-warming sun rays that passed straight through the wooden framed windows. She found herself in a cozy, well lit room, wrapped in sheets of white bed linen. The room was beautiful and spacious, white colored with orange floral printed drapers. 7:05 A.M, the digital clock had read.  Trying to ignore the devious head ache, she rubbed her eyes, unable to mentally recognize her current environment. But then she was not alone.

There was a man in the room, amidst the antique furniture and bronze statues. He was looking out the window so closely that His breath fogged the icy panes. She tried to get up, but found herself intertwined with the sheets. She took a deep breath, and her nostrils filled with the smell of hot cocoa and the wood burning fire place. A little silver round-shaped hollow pendent was dangling around her neck in a threadlike platinum chain, that she only noticed when it tangled with her disheveled shoulder-length light brown hair. She sat back.

As this oddly familiar atmosphere began to bother her, He turned; He knew she was awake now. And when He turned, she felt like the world outside dropped dead, as though everything froze, as if everything had paused, and was muffled by snow. He was fair skinned, with prominent square jaw, long Roman nose and luscious pink lips. She tried to reminisce if she had ever seen anything more beautiful than His face, but everything seemed too vague and gone, and forgotten now. There was nothing in the world anymore but the sound of her erratic heart and the crackling of the fire wood. Ironically, it felt as though she had no past, but Him. “The pendent,” He charmingly said, “is my gift for you. Whenever you feel lost, this will make you found.” Though she did not have a handle on the words, His charm was nonetheless undeniable.

But unanticipatedly, she gasped when a piece of her past was exhibited by her mind. She screamed as she relived her memory that brought an excruciating ache in her chest, making her heart swell as she tried to breathe through the pain. Anxious, He hurried towards her. His skin brushed on hers and His breath hitched as a pleasurable electrifying sensation burned His skin, while she visibly relaxed. Trying to compose Himself, He took her head tenderly in His hand and closed His eyes as He worked on soothing her. After a little while, a tiny lump rose on the place that He had held, adding into a number of other minor bulges on her head. And just like that she had forgotten what she had seen.

He looked in her eyes and her dainty brown ones reflected Him back. She felt her cheeks growing warm with a tingling sensation all over being watched so closely by Him, looking away every now and then. His eyes were one of the most enchanting things that she was seeing, green with specks of golden in them. Her thoughts made Him smile, spellbinding her to lower her gaze and smile back. She did not know what that feeling was but it felt as though something tickled in the depth of her stomach, as though it was a pleasant feeling in a silly way. His heart raced too with a tint of ruddiness creeping up to his cheeks now that He was convinced that she was approving Him.

She raised her head to see Him again, but He tensed. She could not comprehend why; but she was not able to comprehend anything at all. He suspected that that fool was already in the mansion, and so without wasting a single second He opened the door and left. She sat there uncomfortably, her mind now filling with questions.

He sensed someone else’s presence in the house as clouds of gibberish thoughts started hovering in the air. He marched on the marbled floor towards the grand living room, passing by His exquisite collection of paintings and classy furniture. He noticed a cigarette stubbed on the oak table and the butt carelessly half pushed under the posh oriental carpet. So he’s finally here, He thought vaguely, and he has seen her.

Huh, such a waste of money, the uninvited visitor was thinking, I would rather invest in stock market than on sheets of decaying paper binded as books.

Doubting the visitor might have gone over to the small library, He hurriedly walked. He spotted mud trails on the way confirming His suspicion and His anger upped by a notch. He stepped in the library and found the man inspecting the section on Shakespearian literature; he was wearing a musty leather jacket with mud stained boots, uncombed hair and a reeking breath.

“What on earth are you doing here?” He asked, “I told you to stay out and away from her. What-”

“Calm down,” the man plainly replied as his thoughts changed, “I am safe.”

“But she isn’t Parth,” He raged

“Who cares,” Parth muttered

“I do!”

“Listen you can’t keep her. Avici would soon sense and it will only be matter of time-“

“Nobody would know anything, not even Avici. I have a perfect plan,” He said, “and you will execute it, won’t you now.”

“But she is not one of-”

“I have made her.”

“Those aura reading freaks will soon find out.”

“You think I will let anyone read her?”

Parth laughed. “Possessiveness is a dangerous feeling.”

“I would rather call it a rebellion against Avici.”


“It’s you who will work now, not me.”
Mother of God, Parth thought

“You can’t run from me,” He said

“How could I run away from my benefactor,” Parth tried to put on a convincing smile, trying to manage his wicked thoughts

“Stop patronizing me and get out.”

He turned back and headed upstairs.


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