Chapter Five│I know places

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'Cause they got their cages,
they got their boxes, and guns,
they are the hunters, we are the foxes
and we run

                                             ---Chapter Five---

She woke up abruptly to the smell of hot cocoa, the smell that always reminded her of the first day. She was driven to reality by now; the reality that remained worse than ever- He was gone! Her hand robotically shot up to feel her pendant. It was not there.

", are you okay?" the girl asked, "I brought hot cocoa for you. I think you'll like it"

She stared her as she spoke. She was young, perhaps just seventeen and had long wavy brown hair; she had honey colored eyes and pink lips. Her features were blunt; she had tiny eyes and pug nose but the way she talked, she appeared was strong, confident and sharp.

She tucked her hair behind her ears and rubbed her cheeks.

"Oh, and by the way, my name is Sanskriti," the girl smiled as she spoke

"Sanskriti..." she repeated the name

"Yes," Sanskriti smiled as ever

She sat straight, picking up her glasses from the side table.

“Where is my pendent?”

“Oh, Ved took it out while tending your wounds and kept it here,” she opened a drawer and took it out

Ekaa looked at the unanimated pendent with such tenderness as though it was a person that she had lost, and just found. She put it around her neck and clasped it securely.

“What time is it?” she asked

“It’s one in the afternoon,” Sanskriti said amused, “You really aren’t a morning person, are you?”

"Would you do me a favor?"  She plainly asked


"Would you tell me what happened?"

"Sure! We all went downstairs when you-"

"From the start, please."

"From the start?"

"Since when Ved might have brought me here, where ever this place is. Where are we anyways?"

"We are at Suzanna's, here in Bheemtal."


"Yes, why?"

"But we are up in Nanital?"

"Well, that's quite a story."

She gazed at Sanskriti when she stopped, thinking she might have stopped just for a breath. She did not speak.

"Which is?" Ekaa prompted

"It's quite a long one so I'd rather you drink-"

"I'm good at multi-tasking"

"And you're very impatient too," Sanskriti laughed

"Look, I know you might be finding me creepy, but I really want to know."

For the first time, Sanskriti looked her in the eye.

"Well...ugh the place blew and everyone was there. I was there too but I doubt you would have noticed me. I had not noticed you much either until I saw Ved and you running back towards the building. I was already running away with others but then I saw you guys and wanted to join you instantly," Sanskriti said excitedly, "I was sure you were going back for Samar because He was the only one amongst us who wasn't out. Back then I didn't know He was your boyfriend and-"

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