Chapter Seven│I see fire

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And as the sky is falling down
It crashed into this lonely town
And with that shadow upon the ground
I hear my people screaming out

                                           ---Chapter Seven---

It was 7:30 in the evening and they had taken bus to the railway station. They all occupied their respective seats as the train was about to leave any moment now. Outside, the passengers were chattering, and bustled actively here and there, sometimes bumping into strangers. The vendors were trying to sell their products in a loud tone, but anyone was barely noticing them in the hurry.

The steam engine blew a piercing high pitched horn, gurgling and vibrating as the diesel engine came to life. It mightily roared then, releasing a puff of black smoke cloud in the clear dusky sky. The lady's voice in the speaker announced the passengers to board the train which would soon be leaving the platform. People gushed in, in the similar way that a herd of thirsty buffaloes would run to the water source. They occasionally fumbled with their heavy suitcase, then muttered blasphemy, and moved on.

Sanskriti took a seat next to Ekaa in their reserved coach. She was reading a history book and side by side braiding her long wavy hair.

"What is this?" Ekaa asked, "Medieval history?"

Sanskriti looked up at her. "Avician history," she replied, holding the book up

"Oh!" she exclaimed, "Is that what you are taught in Osiris?"

"Yes," Sanskriti answered, "I attend it online so I have to read it all by myself."

"Why do you attend it online?"

"My parents feel insecure in sending me to Delhi all by myself, plus there isn't one in Punjab."

She smiled, understanding. "Is it fun to attend online?" She asked

"Sort of, I get homework once a week."

"So that's good, I figure."

Sanskriti smiled cheekily, "Yes. I am reading about Arhmâds this semester."

"What is that?" She questioned, looking down at the book

Sanskriti gazed her in bewilderment, "Arhmâds were people who joined the cult of Nachiketa and Araceli."


"Ugh, well Nachiketa was a former member of Avici, and Agustya and Aatreya's so called brother," Sanskriti explained

"That I know. But he eloped with Araceli, right?"

"Yep, and they formed a clan called Zkrec."

Ekaa stared at the book, perplexed.

"You didn't attend Osiris, did you?" Sanskriti asked

She hesitated for a while. "No," She answered

"Well, don't worry. I'll explain everything to you," Sanskriti replied, encouragingly, "You see, Avici was brought into existence by Agustya, Aatreya, and Nachiketa. Back then-"

"I know that, Ved has already explained this part," She interrupted

"Hmm," Sanskriti pouted her lips, thinking, "so they travelled all around and collected these people. Now, naturally these many people couldn't have all been under Avici so they-"

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