Chapter 4: Thoughts

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She was walking down the street and again she started thinking about all the teasing and insults Tsukishima gives her everyday.

She thought about him and his insults in a negative way everyday. But today was different, she didn't hate him for ordering her around and she didn't want to punch him in the face and break his glasses.

She thought how she was the only one that he would insult and tease to this level. He never wasted his saltyness on just anyone. He always teased her the most, telling her that she was so short and how she's always late, even making her get his towel and water bottle for him.

But it made her feel special, she liked how he focused on her and thought of ways to tease her everyday. For the first time, she kind of liked being teased. She didn't know why she was suddenly thinking these things, but she decided not to focus on it for the moment and plugged in her earphones to listen to music for the rest of the way home.

Y/n arrived home and her parents were working late again, so she immediately took a shower and made her some dinner before heading to bed.

While laid stomach up on the bed she couldn't stop thinking about Tsukishima's cocky smirk. It made her want to playfully punch him but also just to tease him back. She was so confused, why did she feel this way? She always hated the way he made fun of her, but today she liked it. She had so many thoughts wondering around her head as she fell asleep.

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