Chapter 5: A Lucky Meet

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She woke up to Tsuna calling her in the morning, she didn't know the time got really worried and just quickly picked up the phone.

"Tsuna! Is everything okay??"

"Goodmorning! Were you still asleep? Ah, this is why I called you. You would've slept in too much if I hadn't!"

"Uuh what? What's the time?"

"It's 6:12am, did you not even have time to check the time before answering?! Thank goodness you have me to save your butt."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going to get ready for school, meet you there!"

"See you later!"

Y/n hung up the phone and jumped out of bed and got ready for school. She put in her shoes and headed out the door. Once she got to the gate of the school she messaged Tsuna she was there. She put the phone back in her bag and walked on in.

She headed up the corridors looking down her feet watching every step, she liked to do this sometimes. She continued to walk the corridors not really paying attention to where she was going and suddenly bumped into someone.

"Sorry-" Y/n said looking up at the guy, who was clearly a foot taller than her, and to her suprise... Guess who? Why Tsukishima of course. As she stared up at him, he opened his mouth.

"Watch where you're going, pipsqueak." He looked down at y/n. Tsukishima looked a lot different when she was below him, y/n stumbled back.

"Oh uhm, sorry. I just like to watch my feet as I walk..."

"Well don't, otherwise you'll keep bumping into people, and that's annoying."

Y/n nodded as Tsukishima walked past her putting his headphones back on. Her heart was pounding, but she had no idea why.

'Why does he make me feel this way? Do I like him? Did he suddenly get kind of hot?' thoughts like these intruded y/n's mind. She kept walking trying not to think about what just happened when someone out a hand on her shoulder.

"Who was that cutie?" A familiar voice said in front of y/n, as she raised her head up.

"Tsuna, that was just Tsukishima from the boys volleyball team."

"Ohh is he new??"

"He's the middle blocker and he just doesn't like social interactions, he's also salty and makes fun of me all the time. His only friend is Yamaguchi."

"Still, he's cute. What did you talk to him about?"

"Ughh Tsuna stop, he isn't... cute." Y/n said, looking at him walking away.

"Yeah, you're right. He's hot."

"OI! That's not what I meant..."

"Thought he's your type though right? Tall, blonde and sarcastic-"

"Geez, could you say all this any louder?!" Y/n aggressively pushed Tsuna into the closest class.

"He's just a guy from the volleyball club, nothing special." Y/n said, dismissing her comment.

"Yeah, but I saw how you looked at him just now. It reminded me of the time you first met Yunji, your first boyfriend, who was in our old schools art club."

"Huh?! I didn't look at him like that.."

"Ahhh young love! How wonderful! Your heart is pounding and when someone confronts you," she started to whisper.

"You get all flustered.." Tsuna smirked.

Y/n was pissed at Tsuna for teasing her, but she also didn't know whether she was right or not. She's never thought such things about a guy she hates. More thoughts invaded her mind trying to figure out what she was feeling,

'What would I do if I feel that way? Or if he liked me he wouldn't like me back, with the way he always teases me...or maybe that's his way or flirting...ugh!!' Y/n was so frustrated.

"Oi oi, don't blow a fuse!" Tsuna could see the confusion, anger and worry in y/n's face. "I'll take that as a yes, you do like him. I think it's cute! Anyway if he does like you back, you've hit jackpot to be honest. I mean he's tall, smart, athletic. Everytime he makes fun of someone he pushes up his glasses, like a smarty pants, and gives a very attractive smirk." She was getting excited talking to y/n like this.

She hadn't done this for so long due to y/n closing herself of from that type of relationship. When Yunji left her, for a reason that y/n still won't tell Tsuna, y/n was taking it out on herself. She was frustrated and just spent entire weekend locked in her room not even calling Tsuna for a chat.

So this made Tsuna so happy that y/n was feeling this way again. She was also quite nosey, so she wouldn't leave y/n alone until she got some courage and decided to confess. That was Tsuna's goal for the next month, to help y/n get closer to Tsukishima.

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