[11] Little Secret

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Bright and beautiful spring brought a blast of runny noses and itchy eyes to everyone. I'm mistaken, almost everyone. Luckily, I was immune. Alice was, too, but not because she was lucky, but because her body was as different as she said.

For instance, sleep. Something precious to you and me, Alice indulged sparingly. Begrudgingly. Only when she was between experimentation ideas (a seldom thing). I'd become a guinea pig; she had no problem scampering through the door at two in the morning, like a puppy, hair pinned back, carrying something burned or butchered beyond recognition. I'll be honest, she killed my tastebuds several times.

Alice told me she had no choice. "I can't tell how good it is, Gray. My tastebuds are much weaker in this world." Lies, I thought at the time. Any excuse to torture me would do. But this was the truth. Being from another... what, world? Another plane of existence? Call it what you want, the point is, it numbed her. Everything started to make sense now. What gave her her splendor and me my fatigue.

I had to fight to keep up with Alice, someone who left the music on blast, always picked the super scary movie, and loved the long way home. All this just to feel what I felt so easily in this world. The wonder I took for granted. Those special chances to kick off your shoes and dance. To be afraid of something. Or to know the sun was on my skin. Those things Alice chased so beautifully.

This fractional existence forced her to dive headfirst into everything. Always.

It amazed me more than anything how in all of AfterLife God chose her to be Interim Death. Yeah, it was exhausting. But I was so grateful to experience it all by her side. Everyday. That's the gift living with her gave me. Living together. Alice's idea. No, her command. My former place wasn't exactly livable anymore. And Alice wanted to keep an eye on me while theorizing who was after the Death Coin. I'd already been targeted once. This was best.

Around this time, I ran an idea by Alice. Like all things involving her, my expectation of how things were going to turn out differed from reality. BAM! Her locker made enough noise for three. She cut her eyes at me in a hall of cautious bystanders. They tried not to stare. I alone knew nobody wanted her fury. I leaned against a locker next to her, hands pocketed, foot against the metal. My smile crinkled her nose more.

"Why are you doing this to me?" she growled. "Why are you torturing me?"

"Payback for my tastebuds?" I said. "It's just an after-school job, Alice. Big deal."

She barked, "It is a big deal!" That drew onlookers. Alice stepped toward my chest and whispered, "What if someone comes after you? Sticking together as much as possible, that's the whole point of you staying with me, Gray. I'm blowing off volleyball tryouts to keep you alive. So, the answer is no."

"Wow. You thought I was asking? Huh, how about that?"

"Grrrrr. Whatever you need I will get you it... online," she said through her teeth.

"Your hookup," I said. With God.

That's how Alice replaced everything I lost in the fire. I had full closets and drawers in an afternoon. This was also how she saved my life. Anything she wanted she just had to squeeze her eyes real tight and DING-DONG! But this was something I wanted. So, my head shook. "No can do, Alice."

"Graaayyy," she whined.

"Alice, you have a secret. Your little wish to God? Looks like I've got my own little secret now." I'd wink to tease her. It seemed to work, she gasped. Bbrrrinnnggg! "Whoops, I think we should get to class." I took two steps past her. I turned to an already twisted face. "Oh, about volleyball tryouts. I think you should go for it. They'd be lucky to have you."

"Really? Hannah told me I should. But she plays. What makes you an expert?"

"I know I'd be scared to beat you. Who knows what you'd do to me?" I chuckled my way to class. The image lingering in my mind was her frown. I'd pay for this soon in class. I felt a buzzing against my leg. I waited for the teacher to turn his back. I slipped the device into my lap.

Alice: I get to pick

Me: Pick what?

Alice: Your stupid job duh

Alice: Somewhere close to keep you safe

Alice: And whatever I pick you have to do

Me: Let me think

Me: Yeah no

I tucked the phone into my pocket, thinking this would be the end of it. Yeah, I should've known better. It started with a single, sudden surge... Me, my classmates, my teacher, we all craned our necks up to the faster flicker of the lightbulbs. This buzzing noise. You'd think we were in some kind of beehive. The noise grew louder. Can you image how fast my phone flew into my lap?


No, no, no. Not to Interim Death. I deleted this.

Me: Not funny! (I sent this instead)

Alice: ...

Alice: ...

The dots?! Seriously?!

Grenades of glass exploded in the empty halls. The school darkened. Teachers investigated.

Me: Chhhhill

Alice: Well?

Me: ok ok!

Me: Alice you pick!

The lights calmed. Nobody sighed heavier than me.

Alice: Awwh you want me to pick for you?

Alice: That's exactly what I was thinking!

Now she wanted to play.

Me: I don't like you very much

I pocketed my phone.



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