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The sadness dulled her self-awareness. Snow crunched on her spine. This wasn't the undertaker.

The undertaker was asleep under a tree, beside his subordinates. He did this.

He said, "Thirsty? Brought an extra cup."

Alice turned. "Oh, it's you." She accepted the one in His left hand. This was to be polite, not a true indication of her thirst. Turns out, this was a different drink. Alice just didn't know it. Yet.

Gary raised His palm, "I'll take the Death Coin back."

She gasped.

"You must be ready to get rid of it," He added.


"Reluctantly. Yeah, that was always Gray's dream. He wanted the job much more than me. And I tried to talk Father into giving it to him instead. But he insisted on me. I could say, I incarnated my brother because he 'tricked' me or because I wanted to test the limits of my new abilities. But really, I did it because eternal life would've been eternal torture. That wouldn't have been right. I didn't want that for him."

"Then, you did this so he could die?" Alice said.

"Sound familiar? Looks like things worked out. I wasn't sure they would."

"Can't God see the future?"

"In a way."

He sipped His drink. The silver ring on His finger lowered.

"But the future is always—" He chuckled— "in flux. Free will and all that. Besides, my vision is more limited than you might expect. Seeing everything, every possible future of every person or other in existence, it's a lot, especially for a novice like me. Trying to focus on one future amidst billions is like trying to hit a bullseye in a field of bullseyes. And that's why I'm truly grateful to you, Alice. Without your love, I can't say Gray would've ever found peace. Thank you."

Her right hand raised. The Death Coin flashed inside her spread fingers. She glared at Him.

"I want to know why," Alice said. "Why didn't you save him?"

"Because... I couldn't," Gary said. "That coin is the failsafe for the one chosen to be God. Using the gun to imprison Conquest damaged Gray's soul. But when he used the Death Coin to... Well, it doesn't matter. I couldn't save him and he accepted that."

"I see. And if I give you the Death Coin, you'll incarnate me."

"If that's what you want, Alice."

He sighed.

"It'll be a waste, of course. You'll leave here. You'll never make it to Hannah's. You'll go home and end your life. That's how much you want to be with Gray. You think that's the best way to do it. I wonder if you're right. That's one future I see for you, Alice. One of many."

He took a swig.

"But... there is a future you might like more. Hard to say for sure. It's a bit murky right now. All depends on you. On what you want. That's the best part about life. In one way or another, you get exactly what you ask for. So, be bold. Ask big. Drink that, Alice. Live on."

Just then, there was a pounding against Alice's fingertips, through the cup. She removed the lid and immediately squinted. Her neck turned away. Gold light was on her face. The clear liquid continued to bubble. To drink this, she'd have to creak her lips toward the rim. Alice did so.

Before this, however, Gary lifted the deactivated Death Coin from her palm. The object flipped across his knuckles. He pinched it with His thumb when was done playing. The search renewed for the next Death.

Dying WishWhere stories live. Discover now