[+] Final Note

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You made it! Congratulations!

Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for sticking around. It really means a lot, you have no idea. Writing this has been one of the best things I've ever done. And completing it, whew, that's another story. Can't tell you the number of times I've started a project but stopped because I lost interest, worried it was no good, or felt inspired to write something else. Does this happen to you?

This whole experience has given me confidence. Every vote, comment or read was a reminder I actually pulled this off. That I'm doing more than pouring words into a vacuum. Writing is fun and writing for yourself is great! But when you write something and know it has the potential to make someone smile or cheer or cry or laugh, man, it's unreal. I know if you've made it this far you care about Gray and Alice as much as I do. I know I was cheering for them! That's why I stuck with the ending I chose. I think boundless devotion deserves to be rewarded. I hope you enjoyed it.

I also hope there are no loose ends. And stuff that didn't make sense does. Remember the part where Gray suspects Alice in Smiley's? That got a huge reaction. People thought it was so unfair and he was jumping to conclusions. I seem to recall her nibbling on something when they first met... Hmmm...


I'd like to apologize if you were hoping for a sequel. It's very, very, very unlikely.

I tend to think we're living in the age of the sequel. Good ideas getting dragged through the mud. Everyone thinks they're writing the next 10-12 year sensation. Maybe they are. But I'd prefer not to get too attached to a single concept or set of characters to a fault. If there was more story to tell and it had meaning, I would. I just don't see it right now. While I would like to think Gray and Alice have a great future ahead of them, full of his complaining and her zest and fearlessness, they can take it from here.

Thanks again for supporting me. Take care. Be safe.


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