Song of My Heart-2

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"Yay! As you should."

I snorted. "I'll show you the video later."

"Okay, d'you need me to come pick you up or?" Em knew everything about me, including my reasons of not liking to walk alone.

"No I've got a ride. Thanks though Em. I'll tell you about the show later." I climbed into the passenger seat of Spencer's car once he'd unlocked it, buckling my seatbelt.

"Oh? Whose driving you?" Em sounded both curious and mildly worried.

I chuckled quietly. "Spencer."

"Spencer who?"

"Spencer Salmon."

"Are you kidding?"

I snorted quietly. "Nope."

Spencer glanced over at me and tilted his head.

I chuckled. "My friend."

He chuckled and nodded.

"I'll leave you to get home, but I will be calling you about this later." Em chuckled.

"Yes I know Em." I chuckled softly. "Alright, bye." I hung up, tucking my phone in my pocket.

"Your friend seems rather eccentric." Spencer chuckled, brushing his hair from his face.

"She is, but she's great." I smiled, humming softly.

"I'm sure she is. Where should I drop you off?" He started the car, humming.

I smiled and told him, taking out a pen and doodling on my wrist as he drove.

We rode in silence aside from his quiet humming. Honestly, I was content with it.

I didn't look up until we'd stopped moving, and I quickly recognized my apartment building.

"Oh, before you go." I blinked and looked over at him as he rummaged through his pockets, pulling out a small bit of paper and quickly writing something on it. "Here." He passed it over to me. "When your friend feels better, send me a text and I'll work it out so you two can come to another show." He smiled. "Or just, if you ever need anything. Feel free to send me a message."

"Oh, thank you." I smiled happily, knowing Emily would be overjoyed with this.

"Course, have a good night Lilah." He smiled.

I smiled back as I climbed out of his car, heading into the building and up to my apartment.

As soon as I walked in, my dog Festus ran up to me, his tail wagging.

I smiled and pet over his head. "Hey Fes." I flopped on the couch and pulled my phone out, dialing Em's number.


I snorted. "Em, I have news for you."

"Did you hook up with him?!"

"Em- what no?"

"Damn it. Anywho, what's up?" I shook my head to myself and just smiled.

"So, Spencer gave me his number-"

"A date?!"

"Can I please finish?" I snorted. "Anyway. He told me to let him know when you're feeling better, and he'll work out getting us tickets to another show so you can see it in person."

"What?!" I had to pull my phone away from my ear as she's basically shrieked. "You're serious?!"

"Yes." I laughed. "So let me know when you're not sick anymore yeah?"

"You can bet your fucking ass I will. Oh my gods this is amazing-"

"Go rest Em. I need to sleep anyway." I chuckled.

"Yeah- yeah okay. Night Li."

"Night Em." I snorted and hung up, reaching for my phone charger.

Little did I know, this would end up being more than just me going to a concert with my friend.

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