Help Me.. -1

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He made me leave. He made me leave her. If I hadn't, he would've killed her. So I left.

I traveled for days, perhaps weeks. I'd lost track by this point. Eventually I found myself in Lupus and now I was sitting on my knees in front of the throne, my hands bound. The guards hadn't known who I was, so the second I'd stepped foot on the grounds they'd grabbed me.

"Your Highness." I bowed my head to Will, the king. My voice hoarse.

"Why do you come here? And who are you?" I lifted my head to meet the kings eyes.

"My name is Spencer Salmon. I come here because I have been run out of my home and I need help."

"Yes I've heard of your predicament, but I've also heard the rumours as to why. What you had done to the queen of Vulpes." His eyes darkened slightly. I knew what he was talking about.

Myron, the king and Lilah's technically ex husband, had spread a rumour that I had raped Lilah. That's why I was forced out. I'd never done that. I'd never even slept with her.

"I never touched her. Not like that." I shook my head. "Even if I ever wanted to, I'd never touch her without consent. If anyone has hurt Lilah like that it's Myron. I'd never hurt her. I'd kill anyone that hurt Lilah." I watched him, barely realizing how defensive I was getting over the matter. "Look at me and tell me that you think me capable of doing those awful things."

I saw him study me. "No, I don't. But I'm not going to declare war on Myron based on the word of one man."

"I'm not asking for you to declare war. I'm asking for you to help me. I'm tired and weak, but if I can get healthy enough to go back to Vulpes and help the others that he's hurt, we can bring him down. Many of his army does not believe him to be a good man. Just help me heal myself. That is all I ask."

I could see him open his mouth before I heard another voice. "Will have you seen.." She paused. "Spencer?"

I looked over at the voice and blinked. "Emily?" Emily was Lilah's best friend. She's visited Vulpes on occasion but it had been a long while since she'd been there.

The woman quickly strode over to me and knelt down, untying my hands before helping me to my feet.

"I've heard the rumours." She shook her head. "I'm glad you ended up somewhere you'll be helped."

"Em-" I glanced up to see the king stand and walk over.

"Will I know him. He'd never lay a hand on Lilah. Or anyone else. Lilah and Myron's marriage has been falling apart and they're only still together legally. So even if they had slept together I could almost guarantee it was consented on both parts-"

He gripped her chin lightly and kissed her to cut her off. "If you'd let me speak Love, you would've heard me say that I believe you, I just couldn't base an opinion or decision off the words of one man." He chuckled, smiling. "I admire that you're so ready to defend your friends though."

"Mm one of my better qualities." She joked, gently grabbing my hand and looking to me. "C'mon. Let's get you cleaned up and get you some food. You can talk to us in the morning." She kissed Will's cheek as she passed him, taking me to what I guessed would be the kitchen.

An hour or so later I was wrapped in a blanket near a fire. I hadn't realized it but I guessed that I'd been shivering.

I heard a cup being set on the table next to me and looked up, finding Will sitting across from me. "It's tea, thought you could use some."

I nodded my thanks and picked it up, sipping it quietly.

"Can't sleep?"

I glanced up and shook my head. "You?"

"I hardly can now. Em hardly ever does, keeps me awake with worry." He set his own tea down next to him and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "If you feel comfortable, how about you just explain what happened now? Maybe it'll help you get some sleep if you tell someone."

I nodded quietly and wrapped the blanket tighter around myself slightly. And so I explained. What Myron had done, and my side of everything.

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