Assassin's Target 3

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After about thirty minutes of talking to my parents, I practically ran back to my room, crashing into Spencer as I hugged him.

"Slow down-" He chuckled, holding me close. "I assume you have good news?"

"My parents have agreed to your pardon." I smiled. "You're free. You'll be protected here." I took his hand and kissed the back of it, smiling against his skin.

"I'm glad." His fingers brushing over my cheek lightly as he sat back on my bed, pulling me into his lap.

I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tightly. Everything felt so perfect..

But it wasn't, because three days later, everything took a turn.

I was dragged out of my bed, a hand pressed over my mouth. I'd woken up the moment I'd been touched, opening my mouth to yell out before the sound was forcefully cut off.
My arms were twisted behind my back, making me let out a muffled cry. My eyes shot to the male that had been sleeping beside me, only to see him being forced onto his knees and gagged, struggling as his hands were being tied behind his back.

"Salmon." A cold voice called, a hand gripping my hair at the root. "You have a choice. You can either come with us willingly, or I kill her now." I felt a cold blade against my throat and froze, barely daring to look at Spencer, who hung his head in defeat as he was pulled to be standing. "Tie her up. And keep them separate. I don't want them to try and plan anything."

My wrists were tied behind my back as I was gagged and blindfolded. A choked whimper escaped me as the ropes dug into my wrists, hands wrapping around my arms and dragging me to my feet. A small pain in the side of my neck and I felt my body starting to go limp, my vision swimming. A mumble of Spencer's name tumbled from my lips as everything went black.


If I'd tried to fight, they would've killed her.

Now we were in the back of a wagon, heading out of the Kingdom. Lilah was still unconscious, laying on her side. She was gagged and blindfolded in case she woke up. They didn't want her to know where we were going, though they knew there was no point in trying to keep me from learning the route, as I already knew it.

She started to stir, immediately trying to get out. Thrashing around.
I looked at the man who'd been sitting in the wagon with us, speaking through the gag.

He pulled the fabric out of my mouth. "What."

"Let me talk to her, keep her calm. You know we won't manage to escape."

He glanced at Lilah. "Fine. Five minutes."

I moved over to her and leaned down, letting my nose brush against her neck. "Lilah. Lilah relax."

She tensed, her muffled cries turning into whimpers.

"I'm sorry." I whispered into her hair. "I'm sorry." I pressed a kiss below her ear. "I'll protect you. You'll be okay I promise." I just hoped I'd be able to keep that promise. "I'll keep you safe." How could I say that? How could I say that when I'd already failed to protect her? I'd do everything I could to protect her. Keep myself between them and her.

Her body started to shudder with sobs. She seemed terrified. I wanted to tell her it'd be okay but the gag was shoved back into my mouth before I could. I just laid on my side behind her, pressing my forehead against her neck so she could feel me, know I was there. I wanted to wrap my arms around her, hold her close, comfort her. It killed me that I couldn't. I should've been able to protect her. I promised I'd protect her, and I failed.

Li turned so she'd be facing me, tucking her head under my chin, hooking her legs over mine. She was shaking, her head pressing into my neck. I didn't care. I just cared about keeping her alive. I wanted so badly to hold her, to be back in her room at the palace. Talking, laughing, just being together. But not like this. I knew what they'd do to her, and I hated it.

I thought the words I never dared to utter, the words I was too afraid to speak.  I love you..

I just wish I could've protected her..

By the time the sun rose, the kingdom was far out of sight. I knew we were close. The woods concealed the entrance to the Assassin's Guild, the place I'd been trained and basically raised in.

Yet I grew to hate the place, and what it had led me to do.

I lifted my head slightly, noting the marks on trees that showed we were close.

The marks were only for those members who had not yet been there long enough to memorize the route.

I knew it by heart..

I closed my eyes, curling around Lilah as much as I could. It didn't last long.

"Grab him." I immediately recognized Myron's voice as I felt hands on my arms, dragging me away from Lilah. "You know where to bring him."

I pulled at the grips on my arms as I was dragged away, my eyes on Lilah until I physically couldn't see her anymore.

I'd get us out of here. I swear to it.

I tried to move to get loose the second they'd untied my hands, but they'd been faster. I soon found myself with my hands cuffed to the wall behind me, unable to get more than a foot away from it.

I watched as Lilah was dragged in and pushed to her knees. I could see her trembling, her head lowered. I could hear muffled sobs as I watched her, pulling at the restraints holding me back.

I lifted my head to see Myron walk over, gripping her hair and forcing her head up. Pulling the blindfold off. "Let's have some fine, shall we?"

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