Safe Place

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(One shot in which Emily is in a Sirius Black type situation with her parents and runs away to Will's)

It was pouring rain as I ran down the street towards the Soot's cottage. My boots holding little traction on the stone road as I ran faster, trying desperately to just get to the door. My shirt was bloody, the rain and the blood soaking the fabric. I could hear my father's voice in my ear as he said the curse that did this to me...

'Crucio!' I could hear my brother scream as I'd hit the floor, clutching at my sides.

I shook my head, finally reaching the door. I nearly fell against it, my legs burning as I knocked. Leaving blood on the outside of the door. The bag hanging from my shoulder held my wand, some of my school books, a pouch of money I stole from my father, and a picture of my mother, my siblings and I before my mother and sister were killed.

"Please be awake- please." It had to be close to three a.m. I saw a light flicker on within and nearly sobbed as the door opened.

"Emily-?" Will's mother, Kristin. "Will!"

I swayed on my feet slightly, beginning to feel light headed as I saw the familiar figure that was Will.

"Em-" After a moment I felt arms around me just as I thought my legs would give out. "What happened to you?"

"My dad.. he- he got angry again." I gripped onto his shirt. "I didn't know where else to go.."

"Let's go get you cleaned up Em." His arm slipped under my knees as he picked me up. "Mum, can you find some clothes for her?"

"Of course." I heard what must have been Kristin quickly walking off as Will carried me to the couch.

"Dad can you heal her?" I felt my back hit the couch as Will's arms slid out from under me, one of his hands immediately brushing over my head gently.

I saw Phil, Will's dad, walk over to me, kneeling down next to the couch. "What happened Emily?" I heard him ask, hovering his wand over my sides and murmuring a spell.

"My father- I tried to pull him off my brother.. he was beating him." The pain in my torso slowly began to subside. "He used the Cruciatus curse as punishment-"

I felt Will's hand pause it's movements of brushing through my hair. "He did what to you? Em that's illegal, he could be sent to Azkaban for that." He shook his head.

"I had to protect my brother.." I curled up slightly. "I had to keep him safe.."

"Shh. You're safe now Em. He can't hurt you anymore." I felt his arms around me, his hand shifting to move my head so it was resting against his chest.

"But.. Cyrus.. I have to go back for him." I tried to sit up, wincing faintly.

"Lay down Em. I'll talk to my parents and see what we can do for Cyrus okay?" His hand brushed over my hand gently, his other arm hooked around me. "Rest. I'll take care if you." He brushed his fingers through my hair gently. "C'mon, you can take my room for tonight." He gently picked me up, shifting me so my head could lean against his shoulder. 

"Mum, can you bring the clothes for Em up to my room?" He called, careful not to wake his brothers.

"Of course, I'll be there in a couple minutes." Kristin called back.

"Alright, thank you." He carried me upstairs, gently setting me on his bed. "Mum will be here soon. Then you should rest."

"Could I wear one of your shirts?" I murmured, almost too nervous to ask. "I feel like it'd help me relax.."

"Yeah of course." He gently ruffled my hair before standing, going to his closet and grabbing a shirt. "Here." He gently set it in my hands.

I winced slightly as I pulled it over my head, burying my nose in the collar.

I heard a knock at the door but didn't bother to look up, assuming it was Kristin.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Will walk back over to me. "Em? Mum brought you some sweatpants." He said softly and I felt him press them into my hands. "I'll let you get dressed, just knock on the door when you're done." He kissed my temple, seeming to be an impulsive move, before he walked out.

I quietly pulled my jeans off, studying the bruises that dotted over my legs before squeezing my eyes shut and pulling the sweatpants on.

Pushing myself to get up, I knocked on the door before sitting back on the bed, curling my arms around myself.

Will walked in and sat next to me. "C'mon Em, you need to get some sleep." He offered an arm and I didn't hesitate to lean into him, half curling up in his lap.

"Stay with me?" I asked hopefully, glancing up to meet his eyes.

"Of course. C'mere." He shifted to sit against the headboard, opening his arms for me.

I climbed into his lap, laying my head on his chest and banding my arms around his middle.

I felt a blanket being pulled over me, followed by arms wrapping around my torso. "Sleep. I've got you, okay? I'm not going to go anywhere."

"Okay." I yawned slightly, nuzzling into him. "Can you hum maybe?" I murmured. "I don't like how quiet it is.."

"Of course Em." He brushed a hand over my head and started to hum softly. I immediate recognized the song. For the Dancing and the Dreaming from How To Train Your Dragon two. The first couple movies he'd managed to sneak into Hogwarts for us to watch.

I relaxed into him, smiling faintly. And eventually, I fell asleep, curled up in his arms.


I wanted to kill her father. Aside from the obvious abuse, he also used spells that could get him thrown in Azkaban. And looking down at the girl in my arms, I questioned how anyone could want to hurt her. She was amazing, sweet and kind and loyal.

I held her tighter against my chest, eventually dozing off myself.

~Two Months Later~

It's been about two months since Emily showed up to my house in the middle of the night. She seemed so much happier, so much healthier. We'd managed to get her father arrested, and her brother was staying at a friend's house for the time being.

Today we were headed to Diagon Alley to get our supplies for the upcoming school year. And Emily was ecstatic when my parents said they'd be okay with having an animal in the house if she chose to get one. She'd once told me she'd wanted a cat, but her father hadn't let her. And I may have mentioned that to my parents. Seeing her smile when they'd told her that made me so happy.

"Will!" I felt someone practically jump on me and groaned. "Will c'mon, c'mon wake up!" Hearing the Scottish accent had become a part of my daily routine and I buried my face in my pillow.

"Emmmmm it's too early for this."

"Your mum made pancakes, c'mon. Pleaseeeee?" I moved my head to see her fake pouting and chuckled softly.

"Alright alright I'm coming." I sat up, stretching slightly.

"Yay!" She pecked my lips and got up, running downstairs.

And I forgot to mention, we were dating now. She'd confessed her feelings about a month ago, and I'd felt the same.

I dragged a hand through my hair and stood, heading downstairs.

I was quickly met by hugs from my little brothers, both of them also half asleep.

Em was practically bouncing where she stood, smiling happily.

This was her first trip to Diagon Alley without her father, and she was excited to finally have some freedom.

After we'd all eaten, we headed off, and a few hours later, I was introduced to Bandit, Emily's new cat.

I was glad she felt safe with us, and I was happy to have someone I loved with me.

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