Chapter 39

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Aeck was still dissecting Viri's 'Because I can' and had almost convinced himself that this was just an arrogant display of power when he saw Sam meet Viri. He'd always been intrigued by Sam, there had been a point when he'd imagined a water dragon come to rescue him, from the bully fire dragons. Aeck had always imagined how he'd introduce himself to the infamous full water dragon, the one that spent more time on Sedra than the Belltower. The one who'd drown his bullies. Even as a kid, Aeck knew Sam would save him. But as he got older, he understood that one water dragon could do nothing against an army of fire dragons.

After meeting Sam, Aeck had been intrigued for other reasons. Like how easily be fit next to the last one. He treated her like a... an ordinary dragon. And she treated him...with love. The two were talking about the Black's. Aeck didn't like to snoop, he'd never done it before. Just as he convinced himself that Viri didn't care about him as much as he'd like, he watched Sam hug her. It was an extremely odd thing to watch. For a moment, Aeck let himself believe that what happened with the Blacks, what happened to him, mattered to her. But then he cut in, "Because everybody likes to play god."

They held his stare for a second. Sam had an arm around Viri, protectively. Her voice sounded unaffected,

"Want to talk?"

He wasn't. But if this god stopped a kick directed at him, then she was the first person to help him. And that counted.

"Yes. We can talk this over dinner." And he headed to his room.

Viri looked at Sam. They seemed to agree that Viri should talk to Aeck and Sam would go help Jade with said dinner.

Jade heard Sam approach. He couldn't help but feel a little nice that he'd returned. He didn't let his voice convey that though.

Jade : Why are you back?

Sam : I went to get utensils. To carry them back. Here.

Sam placed the utensils and then sat on a rock. At a safe distance from all the blood. All this blood made him miss training. He had to find a change of topic.

Sam : You're pretty good at this. Had a lot of time to learn?

Jade : Who do you think kept the Aeck alive?

Sam : raised him. Are you father and son?

Jade : *his eyebrows came together sharply at the rude comment* Do I look old enough to be his father?

Sam : No! You look great! I was just....trying to understand.

Sam let his arms rest on the rock. His legs were crossed. He turned his head towards Sedra, giving up on the conversation. Jade's hands had stopped moving. He was just gawking at the dragon. I mean with a face like that and white hair just rustling in the wind, Sam was impossible not to look at. Jade saw the effort he made and then something in me got warm. For the first time in over two decades, he decided to open up.

Jade : Him and I... we're not really close. When he was young, he was kidnapped, which I obviously knew and witnessed. They'd brought him and I here, to this cursed cave. I was expected to be the therapy dog or a nanny, I don't know.

Sam : (kept his eyes to the Sedra and continued) Do you think the kid ruined your life?

His tone was gentle and the fact that he wasn't making eye contact gave Jade sometime to appreciate him.

Jade : Somedays I think it did. But it isn't his fault. I've had time to learn that.

Sam : That's kind of you.

Jade allowed the blush to creep in. He felt very confident without those blue eyes drilling into him. He continued.

Jade : When he was little, he'd feel like a responsibility, a punishment even. His power was all over the place and he'd lash out. We'd go days with me screaming on the floor, hoping that he'd learn to use his power. I'd never raised a god, many dragons but no gods. I felt...divinely unworthy.

Sam turned to him now. But not competely, just enough to know that Jade had left the knives and was looking at him. Jade continued.

Jade : But then he learned to walk. And I remember I cried so much I couldn't see half of it. I felt so proud. I think that's when it started to change. I'd started to look at him as a child, a helpless child who had no role in this destiny we'd started to share.

Sam : Did you teach him to fly?

That made Jade laugh. A pained laugh but it was worth it.

Jade : I did! He'd been really tiny too. He'd pulled them out and showed them to me at midnight. I couldn't believe it! Most kids scream, maybe gods don't feel the pain. Or maybe he didn't.
His curious eyes told him he wanted to use them right away. So we stood over one of the lowest rocks by the water in the cave, I changed to an owl, his favourite and then tried to teach him.

Sam : Let me guess, quick learner?

Jade : The slowest. This one time he hit his head on seven rocks, one after the other, on his way to the water. I don't even know how one does that!

Jade and Sam started laughing at that. Sam couldn't picture tiny Aeck so the image of a tall Aeck falling and hiting his head on rocks cracked him up. When their eyes met, there was a strangeness to it. Jade seemed, more open, accepting. And Sam felt a really strange feeling in his toes.

Sam : You seem like someone who knows to love deeply. It's very pleasing to hear you talk about someone you love.

Jade was in shock. He'd never loved Aeck. Atleast he didn't think he did. But the way Sam said it, he didn't feel the need to correct him.

Jade : I tolerate.

Sam : I'm sorry it's been rough for you. But I bet you being here made it less of a curse for tiny Aeck. 

Sam said as he lifted his eyes to meet Jade's. And then everything happened in slow motion. Sam ran his hands through his messy white hair, his long fingers left his hair looking better than before somehow, his eyes were each, individually kissed by the sun and he smiled.

Jade wasn't sure he was breathing. Was his mouth open? Gods this boy definitely knew how to crush someone's soul. His smile was divine. He hadn't seen it before, it did strange things to his face and now, to Jade. Jade could hear a strong voice in his head - You're fucked.

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