enjoy your stay

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Oliver keeps looking at his watch, expecting the plane to have arrived directly on time.

"Chill out," I tell him. I'm the one should be nervous. I haven't seen him in almost two months, but it feels like forever ago that he was begging me to stay.

After twenty more minutes of waiting, I see Wilbur walking through a glassdoor, dragging his suitcase and a backpack. I catch my breath, suddenly remembering how handsome he is. His fluffy hair sits right above his round glasses, and he wears a simple maroon sweatshirt and sweatpants. He waves at me with a smile, and I don't react, not exactly knowing how to.

Finally, he's standing in front of us. He looks at Oliver, then at me, then at Oliver again. "Are you Mark?"

O shakes his head and grins. "I'm Oliver. Ellie Rose's boyfriend."

"Oh," Wil says, staring at him for a few more seconds before smiling at me again. "How are you?"

"I'm fine. How was your flight?"

"Long. Shall we go?"

I nod. I lead the way, not wanting to look at Wilbur. We get to Oliver's Jeep, and I sit in the passenger seat while Wil sits in the back. He gives O the directions to his apartment, and we sit in silence for a bit. 

"Do you have any furniture?" I ask, looking straight ahead. 

"It's already furnished, thankfully. Are you in a dorm?"

"Yeah, with Sofia. O's in a suite with Mark and Ryan."

We get to the apartment building, and of course, Wil asks me to help him out. I tell Oliver to just stay in the car, and walk to the elevator with Wilbur.

The elevator trip is short, but I feel Wil looking down at me the whole time. We find his apartment number, and he uses his key to open it up. It's pretty nice, I have to admit.

I set his bag down on the kitchen table. "Need anything else?"

He turns and smiles at me, and I feel my heart beat faster. "Your boyfriend seems nice. How long you two been going out?"

"Like, two weeks, I guess." I fold my arms across my chest, feeling anxious. 

Wilbur nods and leans against his counter. "I missed you."

I stare at him for a few seconds before heading for the door. "Bye!" I call out before stepping out. 

"He was weird," Oliver says on the drive home, but I stay silent, watching as we pass other cars.

Sofia and Ryan go off to a different section of the store, leaving me alone in the Foreign books aisle. I scan through the books, hoping to find something interesting.

"Need any help?"

I look to my right to see a tall, extremely handsome boy in a simple work uniform standing there with a smile. His name tag reads 'Wilbur', and I try to form some words.

"Oh, I'm fine, thank you."

"You like poetry?" 

I nod, and he reaches in front of me, grabbing a book. I read the cover, 'Les Fleurs de Mal'. 

"Try this. It's pretty good."

I take the book and smile up at him. "Thanks,"

"You from America?" He asks, probably because of my accent. 

"Yeah, just here for the summer."

"Enjoying it so far?" 

"I've only been here for a few days, but yeah, it's nice."

Wilbur nods and smiles at me. "Well, enjoy your stay."

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