two seconds

7 2 1


A bunch of boys suddenly rush at me, a few of them taking me into a group hug. Didn't realize I had such an impact the last time I came here.

"Hey, guys," I laugh nervously, trying to get away from their affection. Thankfully, Oliver calls them off.

I've only been here once, but I really don't like it. It's one of the school's frats, and Oliver's not in it, but all of his friends are. And all of his friends aren't the best people.

There's John, with the awful looking perm. James. Mike, who has a serious drinking problem. Jack. Jake. Hunter. Kevin, the only black boy. And Caleb, the one who hit on me and almost got in a fight with Oliver.

Most of them are homophobic, the other ones don't care, so I feel a little worried sometimes, being bisexual. And I would never trust any of them with my drink, or anything, and especially wouldn't like being alone in a room with any of them. I hope that none of them would try to hurt me, but you never know with anyone, and they give more of the vibe that they might attempt something like that.

Oliver knows I hate it here, and that I hate his friends, but he insists I'll like them if I get to know them.

But all we do is sit on the couch and floor as the boys get high and my fear increases. I sit in Oliver's lap, and he keeps trying to make me try his blunt. I've only done it a few times with Sofia and Ryan, once with Wilbur, and I'd prefer not to get high around these boys.

Hunter, Caleb, and John are half naked by now, and James is barely alive next to the dead fireplace.

Oliver has one hand on my thigh, constantly running his hand down to my knee and up to my hip. I'm leaning against his chest, his lips either on my neck or around his other lover.

I pull out my phone, looking through it. I text the group chat about how bored I am, wishing they could make uo something to help me leave.

Sofia: I can say our dorm is on fire

Ryan: Or Mark actually got a girlfriend

Mark: Dude that's actually so funny, howd you come up with that?

I might go with Sofia's idea.

I put my phone away again and look over at Oliver, his eyes staring at the ceiling.

I cant describe how handsome he is. It's not the 'so perfect that he's not handsome' type. He has a few 'flaws', his bump on his nose, the acne, his bushy eyebrows. But he's seriously beautiful with his thick hair and bright blue eyes and soft lips hiding a perfect smile.

He notices me admiring him and licks his lips. "What?"

I smirk. "You're just so handsome."

"Mmm," He groans, grinning at me, his eyes half closed. "Wanna go back to my place? I can kick Ryan and Mark out."

I nod, not even remembering that he's high and might not realize anything that's going on.


I collapse into my usual seat at the cafe, Ryan and Sofia smiling at me. I lean back and frown at them.

"You didn't come home last night." Sofia teases.

"I wish I did."

Ryan stirs his tea. "What happened?"

"He had sex."

Sofia raises her eyebrows. "Did O cheat on you?"

I shake my head.

"Then... what?"

Wilbur suddenly appears, taking Mark's usual spot. "Whats with the long face?"

I prefer not to tell Wilbur about my terrible night, knowing it'll boost his ego, but Sofia insists I talk about it.

"Oliver lasted literally two seconds." I whisper, and I watch all of their expressions change as they try to hide smiles.

"Really?" Sofia asks, a hint of laughter in her voice.

"One stroke and he was done." I press my head against the window, feeling miserable. "Like, what the hell? I know he hasn't had sex before, but literally no one lasts two seconds on their first time."

Wilbur's hand is covering his mouth as he's laughing, which makes Sofia and Ryan do the same.

"I'm sorry, Ellie, that's just hilarious." Sofia shakes her head.

"He's lucky he's good looking." I look down at my cup of coffee, having no appetite.

"Is that all he has?" Wilbur questions, and I ignore him.

My phone buzzes and I unlock it to a text from Oliver.

Oliver: hey where'd you go?

i had a class

Oliver: oh ok

do you have any classes today?

Oliver: yeah

what time?

Oliver: 11:30


"Huh," Wilbur says, peering over my shoulder. "He's almost as dry as you were last night."

I widen my eyes at him while Ryan and Sofia burst into laughter, earning strange looks from other tables.

"That's inappropriate, Wil."

He shrugs with a smirk, obviously satisfied with himself. "Am I wrong?"

"No," I mumble, and Mark comes up to our table, pretending to give us our order as an excuse to talk to us.

"What'd I miss?"

"Ellie Rose had a wonderful date last night." Ryan takes a sip from his tea.

"Really?" Mark asks, taking Sofia's empty plate. "I didn't hear anything last night."

"That's the problem," Wilbur says, grinning at me. I just roll my eyes and push my coffee away from me, getting up from the table. I walk out, ignoring their groans, Wilbur saying he's just messing around.

I know none of them are too fond of Oliver, but at least they don't constantly jab at him, like Wil does. I care about Wilbur, and maybe definitely still have feelings for him, and I know he's jealous of Oliver, but it's still so frustrating. 

crush culture // wilbur sootUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum