i want to smell your hair

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I walk through the university's bookstore, looking for something new to read, and for Wilbur. I walk through multiple aisles, but just end up in the Mystery one, hoping he'll walk by eventually.  

I try to look through the books, but I can't stop glancing to the side, wanting him to show up. It's been a week of him ignoring my texts and calls, and I assume he didn't change his schedule during that time. 

I decide to just grab a random book and sit in the collection of couches in the back. Every sentence or two, I look up and scan the room. Still no Wilbur. 

After about ten minutes, which feels like forever, I see brown hair poking over one of the bookcases. I immediately shut my book and walk over to that aisle.

Wilbur is standing there, laughing with a girl who I guess he's helping out. It's stupid, but I feel jealous. I have a boyfriend, and he's just possibly flirting, but I'm jealous. 

I slide over to the next aisle and wait until they're done talking to go to him. I try to listen to their conversation, but all I hear are mumbling and giggling. I guess bookstores are where Wilbur picks up his girls.

Finally, I'm able to assume she's left by the silence, and walk back over to Wilbur. 

"Hey," I say, facing him while he's looking at the book case, stocking it up.

"May I help you?"

"Wilbur, please just listen to me."

"I don't know, it might make me seem obsessive."

I roll my eyes. "Your comebacks aren't even clever."

He sighs and turns to me. "I'm listening, Ellie Rose."

"I am so sorry about what Oliver said." I place my hand on his forearm, which is covered by his sweatshirt sleeve. "And what I said. I was just scared and surprised that you were coming to school. I said rude things out of instinct, and that was wrong. I am seriously sorry. I really want to keep you as a friend, since the summer we had was so fun. And I've told Oliver to be nice to you, since you're my friend, and he's going to have to deal with you. So could you please forgive me?"

Wilbur bites his lips and grins. "Fine. But only because I already wrote a song about you two to cope."

"You wrote a song in a week?"

"Lyrics aren't that hard. I just haven't decided on the music yet."

I rock back and forth on my feet. "Can I see what you've got?"

He looks back, as if checking for his boss, then nods. "Sure. Just don't get mad. I was coping."

"We'll call it even."

Wilbur chuckles, and we find an empty table. He pulls out his phone, opens up his notes app, and lets me read the set out lyrics.

"Your New Boyfriend-

Life isn't quite what I thought I'd be
When I was a kid on VoIP
I thought 'when I get older
I'd marry her,' I told her
Now I'm 26, and I work in an office
Nine til five's not the best, I'll be honest
If I could change a single thing
I'd make it me and not him

But he's in your bed, I'm in your Twitch chat
I've got the key and he's just a doormat
And even though he's got social skills
That doesn't mean I can't pay the bills
Anyway, make the most of him
'Cause she moves on pretty bloody quick, oh-oh
Your new boyfriend's an arsehole 

Yeah, I've met Jared (of course, I've met Jared)
The one who took you away from me
You hit it off instantly
I know, 'cause you won't stop telling me
I've seen his jawline, shoulders, and muscles
Push against his fashion sense
I've thought about what he looks like nude
I'm not gay, though

'Cause she's living the dream From back when we were 17
She's living the dream 
Oh, she's living the dream
From back when we were 17
How on earth could I be saved?
When I'm one click away from insane
I just think that I deserve
A little bit of what I earned
I'm not gonna make another scene
The one I made when I was 23
Means I'm not allowed in Disney World

But he's in your bed, and I'm in your Twitch chat
I've got the key and he's just a doormat
'Cause even though he's got social skills
That doesn't mean I can't pay the bills
Anyway, make the most of him
'Cause she moves on pretty bloody quick, oh
Your new boyfriend's an arsehole

I think about you every day 
So how on earth can I be saved? 
I think about him a lot as well
Maybe if he wasn't fine as hell 
'Cause you're beauty
And you're grace (and you're grace)
Your telephone calls are my favourite place
And I want you to notice me
With no restraining order, please (Jason Derulo)
I want you to care
I want to smell your hair

"You're not 26." I tell him, reading over the lyrics again. "And how did you know Oliver's middle name is Jared?"

Wilbur laughs the whole time that I analyze his lyrics, making me smile.

"And he hasn't been in my bed yet. What's Twitch? I don't move on 'bloody' quick. I don't constantly tell you that we hit it off. You've thought about what he looks like nude? I don't even know what he looks like nude. We didn't meet when we were 17. Also, you haven't turned 23 yet? And I doubt you're banned from Disney. Also, what's with the random Jason Derulo at the end?"

Wil is cracking up so hard that someone has to tell him to shush. "You done?" He whispers, a huge smile on his face.

I nod, and he begins answering my questions.

"It's called exaggeration, Ryan told me, you seriously haven't fucked yet?" I give him a glare, and he continues. "It's this app I use. You got with him, like, a month after you left. You don't, but Ryan and Sofia tell me about it. That was a joke, and again, you seriously haven't fucked yet? 17 sounded better. Again, exaggeration. Once again, exaggeration. And for a joke. Anything good to say about it?"

This time, I'm giggling at what he's saying, then look at the lyrics another time. "Uh, I think it's funny. Not as mean as I was expecting. 'Arsehole' is funny; you're so British. I don't remember you saying you'd marry me. You think about me everyday? And I'm beauty and grace? I do care, and you may smell my hair."

"'Asshole' sounds stupid. And I did one night when we were drunk, so you probably don't remember. I do and you are. And.." He leans forward and dramatically sniffs a piece of my hair that he picks up, both of us dying of laughter when he does so. 

Unfortunately, Wilbur's boss comes over and scolds him to be quiet and go back to work. I fight my smile until his boss leaves, then give him his phone back.

"Glad you liked it," He says, before leaving with a wink.

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