were on a break

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The TV is quiet, the rain outside drowning out the sound. We're all gathered around the TV, but none of us are really paying attention. Ryan and Sofia are asleep on each other, Mark is just on his phone, and Wilbur's the only one who's actually watching as I braid his curly hair.

I decided that Oliver and I needed a break. I don't want to break up with him, but I still couldn't deal with the fact that he hurt Wilbur. It's been a week, and so far, I haven't missed him. I've been hanging out with Wilbur every day, and it's been a lot of fun.

We start winter break tomorrow. Sofia is going with Ryan to see his family, Mark's gonna see his dad, and I'm seeing my family. I'm making Wilbur come with me, because I don't want him to spend two weeks alone. Plus, my mom has been wanting to meet him, but she thinks that we dated during the summer, not that we just hooked up. My parents also weren't fond of Oliver when they met him, but hopefully they like Wilbur.

I stop braiding and just run my hands through his hair. I love his fluffy, curly hair, it's one of my favorite things about him. He leans his head back and I see his eyes close, a smile on his face. As I'm massaging his scalp with his head between my thighs, I suddenly start feeling hot. I shouldn't be, since it's usually cool in here, and I'm wearing a shirt and sweatpants.

Wilbur then reaches up and grabs my hands, pulling them down to rest on his upper chest. I lean forward and rest my chin on top of his head.

"Wanna go somewhere fun?" I whisper.


I think for a second, wondering what would we could do. "Any suggestions?"

"Ice skate?"

I giggle and bury my face in his hair. "Isn't that a bad idea with your cast?"

"I've got good balance. Would anywhere be open at 11?"

"There's Main Street Arena. They're always open."

He turns around and smiles at me. "Then lets go."

We stop by his place first. He puts on sweats and a sweatshirt, and lets me borrow a sweater. It's big on me, and smells like him, so I like it.

I drive us to the rink, only twenty minutes away. Luckily, we're the only ones there, since it's not a very popular place. We rent some skates and slip them on, but it's a bit colder than we thought.

We walk onto the ice, and Wilbur actually does have good balance. Mine is decent, but I still have to grip onto the railing. Wilbur laughs at me every time I slip up a bit, and I can't help but smile.

"My hands are cold." I complain.

Wil reaches his out to me, and I grin as I grab them. He guides me along as he skates backwards, and I'm impressed that he's doing so well.

"Where'd you learn how to skate?" I ask between my fits of laughter.

"My mom used to take me all the time."

I thought it would happen much sooner, but I finally fall. I land right on my ass, and since we were holding hands, Wilbur falls, too. Right on top of me.

We giggle at each other, both of us out of breath. My eyes are locked on his, and we go silent for a second. Then he stands up and pulls me up with him.

"Can I tell you something?" He whispers, even though no one else is around.

"Of course,"

Wilbur is quiet for a few seconds, then breaks into a smile. "You fucking suck at skating." He then quickly skates away from me, and I try to chase after him, but fall multiple times before giving up and getting off the rink.

He soon joins me, and we both take off our skates. I'm completely out of breath, while Wilbur is laughing and teasing me.

We only skated for around an hour, but it was still super fun. Surprisingly, I'm not tired at all.

I drive us back to Wilbur's place where we sit on the couch. I curl up next to him, my legs bent over his lap and my head against his chest with his arm around me.

"So," He starts. "Are you and Oliver officially done, or just on a break?"

"We're on a break."

"But you're not technically together?"

I shrug. "I mean, I guess."

"So, if I kissed you, you wouldn't be cheating?"

I sit up and grin at him. "Uh, yeah. It wouldn't be cheating."

"Okay," Wilbur nods, then just pulls out his phone and looks through it.

I bite my lip, thinking that he was going to kiss me. I know he knows I'm staring at him since he wears a smug smirk.

"Really?" I ask with a giggle, and he looks at me.


"You're not gonna..."

Wil shrugs and looks back at his phone, and I lean back, defeated.

"Oh my God, I'm joking," Wilbur shuts his phone off and turns my face towards him, finally letting his lips meet mine. I place a hand on the back of his head and twirl his hair around my fingers. Wilbur's cast scratches against my stomach under my sweater, but I don't mind. I didn't realize just how much I missed his touch and his kiss and his taste and just everything about him.

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