im not jealous

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Sofia had to come and meet Milo, and everyone else decided that they did, too, so I'm back at Wilbur's apartment. I told Oliver that Wilbur sent me pictures of Milo, not that I went to his place early this morning and ate and talked for awhile. Everyone else knows the truth.

We have to act like nothing happened as they all swoon over the kitten. Wil and I are on the couch while Mark, Sofia, Ryan, and Oliver sit in a circle and play with Milo, who is placed in the middle of them.

Oliver looks back at me and scoots over, making some room. "Sit with me,"

I smile at him and do so, leaning against him. Milo starts attacking Ryan's hand, making us all laugh.

I can't seem to focus, still being tired and not able to think quite straight. I haven't been up that late in awhile, and it's really taking a toll on me.

"You okay?" Oliver whispers to me.

"Yeah, just tired."

"Was I not a comfortable pillow?"

I nod with a small chuckle, then glance over at Wilbur. We make eye contact for a second before I look away again, paying attention to Milo.

I pull out my phone, which reads 10 p.m. "I have an early class tomorrow. I should get back."

"Me, too," Mark says, standing up. "Thanks for letting us come over."

Wilbur nods, leaning forward on the couch. "Anytime," He pats the floor, and Milo runs over to his hand.

"I'll probably be back tomorrow." Sofia tells him, and Ryan agrees.

Oliver reaches out his hands to me, and I attempt to help him up, even though he's like, twice my weight. When he's at my height, he gives me a quick kiss, then fully stands up, making me smile.

"Bye, Wil," I say, and follow everyone as they walk out, Oliver behind me.

"Oh, wait, Ellie."

I turn around and Wilbur's off the couch. "What?"

"I meant to ask you for help with, uh, Milo's food since I'm not exactly sure how to portion it."

I nod, and tell Oliver to go ahead. He hesitates, looks at Wilbur, then walks outside.

"What do you actually need?" I ask, knowing this isn't about food.

Wilbur scoops up Milo and sets him in his cat bed. "I wanted to apologize for last night, I shouldn't have been rude and asked so many personal questions."

"It's alright," I say. "I know you're just upset and jealous."

He gives me a strange look. "I'm not jealous,"

"You literally wrote a whole song about how Oliver is an asshole. And you said you were still in love with me."

"Well, he is, doesn't mean I'm jealous of him. And I was exhausted last night. I said a lot of stupid shit."

I raise my eyebrows. "Oh, really? And that album?"

"I wrote those songs months ago." His voice raises a little bit as he steps towards me.

"So you have absolutely no feelings for me at all?" I ask, trying to push him to his limit. Why am I even doing that, though?

Wilbur clenches his jaw and shakes his head. I now stand in front of him, my head tilted so I'm looking up at him.

"Alright," I shrug and scratch Milo's ears. "See you later,"

I join my friends back in Ryan's car, cramped in the very back with Oliver.

"What did he need?" Mark asked.

"Help with Milo's food. He's never had a pet before, so he just wasn't sure how much to give."

"Did you not help him out with that last night, though?" Ryan says, and the second he shuts his mouth, his eyes widen, realizing what he said.

Mark and Sofia give a quick glance to each other, and Oliver looks at me, but I try to play it cool.

"What do you mean?"

"I meant this morning when he showed you Milo, sorry. I'm super tired for some reason."

I nod, thankful that he didn't rat me out. "Oh, yeah, he didn't ask, like, any questions."

The rest of the drive is silent, but I'm grateful it's not full of Oliver questioning me. Honestly, it's a good thing that he's clueless. But I really should be held more accountable for what I'm doing with Wilbur. Even though it's not actually anything, other than what almost happened that one night. But it's fine. I know better than to cheat.

a/n: hey everyone sorry for the long hiatus :) been a bit more busy lately and i have school starting in a few weeks so i may not be active then either. hope you're all doing well and please don't forget to vote if u liked this chapter! <3

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