Chapter One: The Studio

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The lights from the sun allow the colors from the large graceful stained glass windows that fill the back wall of the room to dance across the floor creating shapes and sparkle; the shadows of the children move with the pattern and to the beat of the music that fills the air. It's warm making the atmosphere calm and peaceful.

" Great day class today everyone!" I say softly "keep up the good work and I will see you all next week."

" Thank you miss Hope" Echo's through the room from the children as they start to leave.

I start getting my stuff together and cleaning up ready for the next session until Miss Autumn Croward enters. She is a small petite woman not much older than me, her light brown short hair is neatly slicked back into a low ponytail, that kind of matches her teaching uniform of a laced black high neck leotard which is accessorized with a blood-red shaded teaching skirt that flows when she walks, her ballet shoes worn down from teaching so much. Her hazel eyes scan the room ensuring nothing was left.

"Thank you again melody for taking the class today" she wheezes out " with everything going on, the construction downstairs and all the paperwork I just needed a few hours to get things sorted,"

"No worries Miss Croward" I respond " I enjoy teaching them, but you should consider finding another teacher so it relieves you and myself to take some time to get other things done!"

"One day melody! One day, I will see you around 3 pm for your private lesson and if you are going for lunch please pick me something up I won't have time to go myself?"

Laughter fills the white-colored corridor from as children leave and swap lessons, some take time getting to their next session as they stare at the walls that are filled with pictures and trophies from the previous student. I can see in their eyes the inspiration these people have on these young children, makes me want to inspire them.

As I walk further down I stumble into Wyatt Spiced, a senior student who helps teach from time to time and my best friend; we have grown up with each other. He is a small boy but has a big heart because he is smaller than the average boy at his age he decides to spike his short dark brown hair to give him a few more inches. People believe he is the catch at the studio, his dark brown eyes make the younger students believe him to be mysterious, but I know better; all he loves is food, dance, and music, you can tell with his band collection t-shirts he wears every day.

" Oh hey, Melody!" Wyatt says as he re-spikes his hair " how was your class today?" "Great" I quickly respond "I love teaching the younger students; however, I have suggested to Miss Croward to find another teacher just to relieve the pressure a bit especially that we are going into our final year at college" "I PREACH TO THAT" Wyatt shouts. He looks down at his phone making sure he checks his hair in the screen, " OH SHOOT" he mutters "I have to go melody, my homework is due in tonight and I only have a few hours to get it done, catch you later?" Wyatt runs out of the building.

" Classic Wyatt leaving everything last minute" I chuckle to myself as I make my way down the narrow stairway and out the door.

A few hours have past and I have finally gone to get Miss Crowards and my lunch. The cobble street air is filled with freshly baked cookies and cakes from multiple cake store tempting young children and their parents as they rush through the streets creating a wind as they move which release the fresh scent of the brightly, beautiful colored flowers that swam the pathways making the streets splash with color.

It's lunch hour meaning the streets are filled with cars and people; the sound of their horns and chatter of their phones spread down the streets and ally ways like an out of tune marching band. I enjoy the walk to the cafe, seeing and hearing all these things, I live in a small town that looks vintage and unique street is coated with self-employed stores that are painted bright colors that match the owner's personalities. Because it's a small town there isn't a lot of people but we are its good community, everyone knows everyone makes you feel like one big family.

Melody Hope Mystery: A Studio Secret Where stories live. Discover now