Chapter Three: The Research

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As the sun sets the light reflects through the small, high, dusty widows falling upon the tall, oak bookcases allowing the shadows from the books that lay neatly to dance along the floor. The Cream colored walls covered in a newspaper clipping, scrolls from history, and beautiful paintings darken as the light passes by like an eclipse. It's quiet and peaceful there is no-else left in the building apart from the librarian and myself.

Multiple dis-colored, vintage, heavy books surround my small, circular table hiding me from the world. I have been sat in the library for hours, head deep in books researching The History of Colne, The Underground I have even looked at old newspaper clippings of events that might relate to the door.

"An hour left till closing Miss Hope" the librarian whisperer's as he waddles past pushing his

creaking trolley that is taken over by a mountain of books, "Yes, Mr. Smith thank you" responding even quieter. I start cleaning up the desk I was sat at, up and down the aisle's carrying the heavy books that slowly decrease from the table, I can feel myself getting tired and I am looking forward to getting home, but this trip wasn't a waste I did manage to find some information about that door and I can't wait to tell Wyatt.

As I put the last remaining books back on the shelf, the hairs on the back on my neck start to stand to send a chill down my spine and goosebumps to form along my arms, I can feel a sense that someone is watching me, but I didn't think anyone else was in the building... it might just be Mr. Smith making sure I put the books back in the correct place.

"Are you okay Mr. Smith?" I shout down the aisle, a few seconds pass with no response... "MR SMITH?" calling out again, still no response. The feeling of anxiety and dread returns, I can't move it's like I'm frozen to the spot from fear and to make it worse the sense of someone watching me lingers making me feel sick to my stomach. The library gets darker by the minute making the atmosphere eerie and unnerving I feel like I have been stood frozen for hours, the sound of creaks vibrate through the floor getting louder and closer, I can feel my heart beating so hard like its ready to rip out of my chest, the sound is getting closer and closer.......


I scream releasing my frozen body enabling me to move. Dropping books as I do so. I catch my breath back, it was Mr. Smith, where had he been?

"Miss Hope are you okay? The library is closed I thought you had left?"

" Yes!" I answer quickly " sorry, I am leaving now, I will just pick these books up and I will be on my way."

"Go, it's late I will sort this" Mr. smith lets me past while giving me a concerned look as I leave.


The night cold air wraps around my body sending shivers through my bones like electricity, while the winds whistle through the tree where the owls hoot and watch. Street lights shine on the concrete, cobbled floor creating a pathway to my house. So many questions unanswered run through my mind, What the hell happened in there? Was it my mind playing tricks on me? What would have happened if Mr. Smith hadn't come? Where was Mr smith when I called? , I knew one thing for sure I wasn't alone, someone was following me, but why? It must have been related to that door, someone doesn't want me to figure out what is down there.

Pain starts to emerge within my feet, I live so far from the library and it's getting later by the second, 11:00 pm illuminates on my phone, I knew I needed to be quick, if I have learned anything from my mystery movie's and novels nothing good happens at night.

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