Chapter Two: The Strange Door

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It's dark and cold, I can see my breath float above me while the night's silence is broken by the sound of owls hooting as they glide through the sky, along with the crickets singing like a school choir down in the grass that lays beneath my window, and ever so quietly another mystery podcast fills my bedroom which sends a chill down my spine.

My bedroom is my safe place, it's not a big room but it's big enough for me with it's three white wall's and that one single grey wall that I thought was trendy; I place a single bed with grey patterned bedding next to my window so I can watch the sunset and rise through the day, along with sparkling shining stars that light up the night giving a sense of peace and calmness. Along the wall lays a full-length mirror that is surrounded by pictures of friends and family, above that are grey shelves that display my trophies from competitions from previous years, the opposite is a small old television that sits on a white rustic style draws, while a big bookcase holds all my mystery books, college work and my collection of mystery movie's I love this room as much as I love the studio.

However; an uncertain feeling resides within me, I feel that something is wrong but can't quite put my finger on it. Everything looks fine I mean; I'm in my safe place, all my college work is done and the dance school is great especially with this new teacher, she is amazing with the children, she is even preparing me a solo for the northern school of contemporary. But this feeling won't go, the feeling of dread and anxiety. I wonder if the podcast is making me feel this way.

1:00 am, sirens abruptly disturb from my sleep, I shoot up and stare out the window... "what is going on?" I think to myself, the chill is back followed by the dread and anxious feeling. I can't help my mind wander all the scenarios that could happen.


I jump with fear nearly falling off my bed, I run downstairs to see what the commotion was about.

" It's Autumn Croward, she needs to speak to you," my mother says in distress, the fear on the face makes the feeling worse.

"MELODY" Miss Croward shouts down the phone nervously, her voice sounds tearful and anxious." I NEED YOU TO COME TO THE STUDIO AS QUICK AS POSSIBLE, THERE HAS BEEN A BREAK-IN....... MY OFFICE IS TORN APART AND THE POLICE SAY THEY HAVE SMASHED ONE OF MY WALLS " her voice cracks with sadness. was this the thing I was feeling before?, the bad thing that was going to happen?" remain, calm Miss, I am on my way".

The car journey felt like hours, I left so quickly I didn't even change out of my pajamas but I didn't care I just thought I need to be there quickly. The silence in the car was unbearable, but I couldn't speak, my mind had wandered into a frenzy, all I could think about was who had broken into the school and for what purpose?. I felt so sorry for Miss Croward, she spent everything on that school it was like her home.

Red and blue flashing lights from the police cars grow brighter as we get closer, my heart is beating so hard like it was trying to break out of my chest sends a sick feeling to my gut. I see Miss Croward, she looks so lost, I run and give her a big hug to try and reassure her everything is going to be alright. I can feel her tears run down my shoulder along with shaking her body from shock.

"It's Okay, Miss Croward" reassuring her " we can fix it, somehow we will. I 'm just glad your safe".

Minutes passed as we watch the police search in and out of the building to see if anyone stayed behind to witness the pain they brought but nothing they couldn't find anything apart from a smashed window, probably how they got in.

"MISS CROWARD?" is shouted across the dark car park, it was Officer Jennifer, the youngest police officer to join the force, I met Jennifer when I did some summer work at the station. She is the bubbliest and sweetest woman you will ever meet. Unlike the rest she is smaller and more petite; however, she can mean business when you get on the wrong side of her. Her light brown hair is pushed back into a tight bun on the top of her head which makes her hazels eyes pop. She allowed me to come along when they had mysteries to solve, I became that obsessed that I ended up finding more after my time in the station, let's just say Officer Jennifer has had to come out a few times to help me.

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