Chapter Four: The Tunnel

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The cold, steel, rusty ladders squeak as our feet drop down each step while the freezing breeze whirls around the small, cramped space sending goosebumps through our bodies. It's so cold I can see our breath escape as it hovers around the small, dim beam of light from the flashlight that swings side to side from our wrist's. Each step we take the Office light starts faded making it difficult to see, the only form of light we have is from our old flashlights that barely light themselves.

As we get lower down the ladder's I start to feel sick like my stomach is in knots; I can't tell if I'm excited, scared or maybe even both, I can't wait to know what is down there, "what if we find something valuable? Or a secret town?"I think to myself, I know I'm over exaggerating too much but it's exciting it's a mystery.


We'd reach the bottom!

The large, off-grey, decaying bricks shape the cramped, circular tunnel while the smell of dirty water mixed with rotten mushrooms that grow along the side fill the air like a toxic poison. Broken and damaged bulbs dangle from the wet, damp, concrete ceiling, they flicker intensely like something out of a horror film, in the distance the sound of water dripping echoes through the tunnel making the atmosphere eerie and tense.

"Stay close and don't wander off!" Officer Jennifer states as she takes lead into the tunnel.

Everywhere you look there is a turn to another tunnel leading to new unexplored places, however, we just keep walking forward hoping we don't get lost. We have been walking for what feels like hours now and so far we have found nothing.

"Maybe we should try some of the other paths? we could split up? I mean we might find something that way" I suggest.

"No" officer Jennifer fire's back "I can't risk anyone getting lost and besides it dangerous we don't know what is down here".

We carry on following the straight path, ignoring every turn we pass, until; all of a sudden, we reach a split in the tunnel .both black and dark with no sign of light. They seem different from the rest of the tunnel, as I look into the black holes I get a sense of fear and dread like it's warning me not to go near.

"Let's Turn back" Wyatt speaks nervously, probably feeling the same thing.

"Yes, I agree!"Officer Jennifer responds "come; let's go". Officer Jennifer pulls my arm to ensure I don't linger and I stay near her but I can't help but stare in their direction, I'm even paying attention to what they were saying nor the fact we were leaving, I'm just so intrigued and fascinated, I try to see if there is anything that can tell me what is in those tunnels but nothing all I see is darkness.

As I turn to head back I notice, they've gone! "They must have thought I was behind them" I mutter panicking that I am alone in the dark, terrifying tunnel, I start my making my way back in the direction I believe is the correct one.

Further up the tunnel Wyatt and Officer Jennifer discuss their theories of the tunnel, not even noticing I'm missing.

"Those tunnels must lead somewhere, but where?" Wyatt speaking his thoughts out loud,

"I agree" Officer Jennifer responding " But I not willing to find that out tonight"

"I think they lead to a ghost town or even treasure.... or maybe......."

"Calm down Wyatt!" Officer Jennifer cuts him off while laughing at him exaggerated imagination.

Wyatt annoyed and slightly embarrassed with what has just happened starts to notice something is wrong, "Melody you're very quiet!! what do you think is down..... MELODY!, " he shouts noticing I'm not there.

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