Chapter Seven: The Attack

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The cloudy, grey skies begin to darken as the storm becomes heavier, the rain bounces off the wet, concrete floor allowing patterns to form, while the wind whirls around everything in its path causing it to hiss.

The squeaking of the window wipers as they move side to side, mixed with the scent of fast food l that lingers in the air fill the small, silent car. The tension in the car could be cut with a knife, we know what is going to happen, but we don't have any other choice. "Come on!" I speak breaking the silence, "the longer we wait is just going to make it worse!".

We all take a big, deep breath and proceed to leave the warm car. Our clothes drenched by the time we reach the police station, making us feel uncomfortable.

Inside are tall, white walls surround the large, open space that is filled with dull, grey desks that contain mountains of paperwork and folders alongside cups of coffee that lingers in the air. Big, black, turn chairs sit beneath the desks surround my boxes of old and new case files. Officers walk around the space like school kids at break time, chatting and laughing without even noticing our presence.

"Excuse me!" I speak, stopping a tall man in his pathway, " do you know where I can find Officer Jennifer?". A blank look falls upon his face as he points in the direction of her desk, "Thank you".

Officer Jennifer is sat with her phone against her ear with her down, stress is written all over her face and body.

"Officer Jennifer?" Wyatt nervously interrupts, causing Officer Jennifer to look up. The look on her face doesn't seem pleased to see us.

"Why do I have a feeling this isn't a social visit!" she replies.

"Sorry, no it isn't but we have some information that might help you with the case!" I answer. Officer Jennifer sighs while giving us a look of disapproval, "Fine!, follow me".

Officer Jennifer brings us to a small, interrogation room, which gives a sense of guilt and sorrow.

" So! What have you guys found out?" Officer Jennifer speaks while sitting down at the desk that sits in the middle of the room. I grab my rucksack and pour out all of the books, papers, and newspapers clipping out onto the desk causing a massive thud.

"Okay! This is what we found out, the murder of Mr. Smith wasn't accidental he was being blackmailed to spy on us!, and I am guessing that he didn't deliver which cost him his life, also when we were in the tunnel I found a box that contained a key, which....."

"You found a key in the tunnel and didn't tell?2 Officer Jennifer interrupts angrily,

"Yes sorry, we wanted to know what it opened before telling you! Anyway, we didn't find what it opened; however, we did find out that the school used to be a jewelry store that got robbed, they used the tunnels to escape, but when they got out of the tunnel they were empty-handed which lead me to believe that they hid it in the tunnel, probably where it split's and that is what the key is for....."

"Stop!"Officer Jennifer interrupts, "This is all great but it still doesn't explain who killed him?, and from what I gather this person is looking at you lot, I suggest you stop snooping, this is dangerous especially for kids to be doing...... I want you all to go home and leave this to the professionals." Officer Jennifer escorts us out of the room, ensuring that we leave.

"I don't know what to do guys?" I mutter as we walk back to the car, "I can't drop this, I can feel that we are close and soon the person behind all this is going make mistake and we find out who it is".

"Well, what's you're plan?" Leo asks.

" I say we go back to the studio and go down the tunnel, try and find the jewelry that was stolen". I respond.

Melody Hope Mystery: A Studio Secret Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon