Chapter Ten: A Happy Ending

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The bright, yellow light from the sun shines through the large, stain-glassed windows into the wide, white studio reflecting off the hand-printed mirrors, while young children run around, allowing shadows to form as the light bounces off their bodies. The sound of classical ballet music fills the air, allowing us to move along with the calm beat. I feel calm and relax as everything seems to be getting back to normal, weeks have passed since the incident within the tunnels. Miss Marshall got arrested for murder, attempted murder and kidnapping, while Officer Jennifer got a promotion for finding the stolen jewellery and saving us.

Croward finally got her office sorted, the walls are white with one wall a light colour of grey which holds her qualifications, trophies and pictures while sitting underneath is her new, polished, oak desk along with her matching chair, along the wall near the door, is a grey, patterned sofa which is complimented with mustard and white cushions. Miss Croward has managed to overcome everything that has happened, she even hired someone who she who wouldn't try and kill her or her student's his name is Mr Ray, he is a tall, tanned, muscular man who wears black, baggy pants with his white, vest top while he slicks his dark brown hair into a small man bun on top of his head. Mr Ray teaches Ballet and even added street dance to the curriculum.

Leo, after the arrest of his aunt, didn't want to go into foster care, so Wyatt offered him to move in with him and his family. They have been getting on so well, they have seen started calling each other brother. Alongside this he has to start to look into universities, he wants to do something with psychology he said he wants to help people. Wyatt on the other hand has decided to go off to a ballet school after college and become a principal dancer, his dream is to be the lead in the ballet version of The Nutcracker.

And for me, I got into the Northern School of contemporary which I will be attending next year, but for now, I will continue to study at the school and teach whenever I can. I am currently teaching pre-school ballet.

"Miss Hope? Can you tell us about your adventure?" a small voice appears from behind me,

"Maybe another time" Miss Croward appears in the door, with a big grin on her face. "Right, the class is dismissed."

The children gathered their things and began to leave, laughing and chatting as they do.

"How are you doing Melody?" Miss Croward asks while walking closer to me.

"I'm good thank you, how are you?" I respond

"I'm good, happy that everything is getting back to normal, however, you need to promise me that you will stay out of danger."

We both chuckle, "I promise!, right I'm off to go meet Leo and Wyatt, I will see you later?"

"Yes, I will be here", Miss Croward gives me a wink and a small smile before gesturing me to leave.


The bright, beaming sun illuminates the streets, heating the pathways, while people walk up and down chatting and laughing. A small, warm breeze flows through the trees allowing them to dance and move while the sound of birds singing in the distances echoes through the air giving a sense of relaxation and calmness. I have never felt so happy.

"MELODY!" Leo shouts from the cafe, startling me in the process, "OVER HERE!".

I run towards Leo and Wyatt, they have already ordered me my usually hot chocolate with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles. It is great to have friends like these.

"How are you doing Melody?" Wyatt asks while pulling a seat out for me,

"I'm really good thanks, how are you two?" I respond,

"I'm good"


We sit and chat for a while, discussing our future plans, I can't believe after this year we will be all going our separate ways, it will be different not having My best friends by my side.

"Are you looking forward to university?" I ask,

"I guess so, but I will definitely miss you both" Leo responds while taking my hand.

"Same, Melody we have been best friends for years and Leo you're like my brother now, it's going to be weird." Wyatt joins in. we all stare at each other smiling.

As time passes, the light the sun starts to become bright, the breeze becomes warmer. Wyatt, Leo and I are still sat outside the cafe, reminiscing about our little adventure.

"You know guys!, I want another adventure!" I mutter,

"Me too, maybe something will come our way" Leo responds

"Maybe!," I stare at Wyatt and Leo, I can feel my eyes starting to water as the thought of everything ended.

"Right, I guess I should head home, my mum will be wondering where I am!, I will see you tomorrow at dance!" Wyatt, stands, adjusting himself before leaving Leo and me alone.

Leo's eyes interlock with mine, I start to lose myself in the connection I forgot how dreamy his eyes were, we stare at each other for what feels like hours, all I can do is smile and stare, I feel really comfortable with him like I have known him my whole life.

"Melody?" Leo speaks breaking the silence that lingered between us," I have something to tell you."I lean in closer, eager to know what is it.

"well, you know how I was looking at universities to study Psychology, and you're going off to dance school in London... Well, I found a university in London as well which I will be attending next year." My jaw drops with excitement,

"REALLY, that's amazing" I blurt.

"That's not all!" Leo moves his self close to me while taking my hands in his, "Ever since I met you, I knew I really liked you, you accepted me for who I am and we became really good friends, but I want to be more than friends!."

I move back in shock, causing Leo to pause with nerves, "Do you want to go on a date?"

I pause with surprise, I didn't expect that at all.

"Yeah, that would be nice." I calmly respond, The connection reappears as we stare into each other's eyes again,


the sound of my phone ringing breaks the connection between Leo and myself, "It's Wyatt" I mutter in a surprised tone.

"Hey Melody, you will never guess what has happened! There has been a discovery on my street, in my neighbour's house they have found a hidden crawlway in their basement, that they didn't know was there, they told me the house use to be a museum and some of the artefacts were stolen, they said we can check it out, and see if we find anything if you're in?"

I turn to Leo with excitement, startling him. Leo's face turns from a smile to a disapproval look, as he knows what I am just about to say.

"Leo, grab your things... We have another adventure....".

The End

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