The Name Game

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(I don't own Doctor Who.)

For a while, everyone just kind of stood there, eyes wide.

My thoughts wandered to the gems in my bag, the only color I really ever knew.


I nodded seriously, "yeah, where've you been for the last fifteen years?"

Sudden anger coiled in the pit of my heart, "in fact, where were you while I spent my whole life as a prisoner?"

"Wait, hold on. Who's your mom?" he asked, confused.

I shrugged.

"Doctor!" the ginger scolded.

"What? Unless I got roofied at some point, I don't remember creating a kid anytime since way before the end of the time lords! And that was way longer than fifteen years ago."

I looked around, anger forgotten. "Wow," I marveled. This was definitely different than a white-walled room. Blues and greys, and even colors I've never seen before.

"Whoa, what's this?" I marveled, picking up a cloth of a new color.

"Oh, I was looking for that scarf," the ginger replied.

"What is this color?"

"Umm, purple."

"Purple. Wow." I handed it to her.

"Well, if you're my kid, and you don't have a name, I get to name you!" Doctor clapped his hands together. He appeared deep in thought.

"Well, I'm Amy, and this is Rory," the ginger said, grabbing my hand and moving it up and down, "nice to meet you."

I stared at her in wonder, glanced at my hand, then looked back up and grinned. I grabbed Rory's hand and did the same thing, "nice to meet you."

I walked over to my father and did the same, "nice to meet you."

"It's called shaking hands."

"Oh," I responded as he went back to thinking.

"How about fez?"

"Doctor, you can't name your daughter, Fez," Rory said.

"Why can't I?"

"Because it's a hat."

"I have one of those!" I pulled the red hat out as proof.

"Awww, she's just like me," he grinned.

"How about we just call you," he paused, "Classified."

"Are you seriously going with that, Doctor?" Amy rolled her eyes.

He nodded seriously before turning towards me, "until I think up another name, you shall henceforth be named," he paused again for dramatic effect, "Classified."

"I can't believe you," Rory and Amy both sighed.

Angels and Timelords: The Doctor's Daughter (a Doctor Who/Big Hero 6 crossover)Where stories live. Discover now