Death Needs a Freaking Hobby

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(I don't own Doctor Who or Big Hero 6)


By the time we found our way around the angel problem, I was afraid that it might be too late to save her life. But while Wasabi was obliterating the last weeping angel with newfound panic in his eyes, I was trying to wake Classified up.

"Tadashi!" Hiro shouted as I tried to get a heartbeat from Classified, "she's dead!"

"No," I responded. The Doctor had been my best friend once, and had saved my life countless times. He told me once that timelords had only a certain number of regenerations, and most never knew how many they had left until they were as dead as a doornail. If trying to save Classified put even a dent in what I owed to the Doctor, then it was worth it.

"No! I can save her! Baymax!"

"Clear!" Baymax said, hands glowing blue. But there was no response.

"Baymax, again!"

"There are no signs of life," Baymax replied.

'Probably just a little delay,' I reasoned with myself. I just can't let the Doctor down.

"Think, Tadashi, think," I growled at myself. And then it came to me. A new angle. I moved a little lower from the place a human heart would be, on the opposite side, and gently checked for a pulse.

It was there.

Heart number 2 was still on line.

"Baymax... again."

"I detect-"

"You can't detect anything, it's not in your databases. So, again," I told the robot, determined not to possibly get Classified on her last regeneration.

"Classified's heart has not beat for thirty seconds. She is not alive, Tadashi," Baymax said seriously, "but what you are feeling is a normal stage in the grief process. First, you will not be able to accept-"

"Then I'll do it myself," I said coldly, not in the mood for games. I began to charge the blaster on my right hand before concentrating the energy over the first, unbeating heart, and let the electricity loose.

"Come on," I begged. When I got no response from Classified, I prepared to do it again. For a timelord to have two hearts, it probably needs both to keep the body running, otherwise why would it need two hearts? Which means if I don't get heart #1 working, I might lose her. And then it will seem like she's a whole new person. I hate that.

I thought back to what Classified had said, how the timelords died off all but for the Doctor. Surely that can't be true.

I mean, I've known the Doctor for a long time.

"Surely, you can stay, I mean, why just for a day, when we could travel for months and come back before even a day has passed for them?"

"Sorry Doctor," I replied sadly, "Hiro needs me still, I can't just.. leave. Maybe, maybe you can come back some day?"

"You're a strange young man. Any other ten year old would jump for the chance. You haven't even seen the TARDIS yet!" the old man, the Doctor, said, in a way that said he felt as if I had insulted him.

"I had to grow up pretty quickly," I grinned. I turned and walked towards home. I never looked back at the man, knowing that if I did, I might not be able to keep from going.

A sharp gasp sounded, and weak, gloved hands dug into the ground. Classified was conscious. But she still had only one heart.

"Sorry, Classified," I apologized, "but I've gotta do what I've gotta do."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2015 ⏰

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Angels and Timelords: The Doctor's Daughter (a Doctor Who/Big Hero 6 crossover)Where stories live. Discover now