Walls of Blue

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(Still don't own Doctor Who.)

I woke up in a different room. My backpack was carefully leaning against the bed I was on. The walls were blue. It seemed foreign to me, blue walls.

I was so transfixed by my surroundings that when the door opened, I jumped, startled. The person looking at me looked slightly like the lizard people, but she had no scales or head ridge. She had skin, like me. She was a ginger, her hair, I mean. A boy slightly taller with blonde hair was looking over her shoulder at me. A second later, the ginger closed the door, disappearing from view.

"Hey!" I shouted, alarmed. I did the first thing I knew how to do, the way to get a door to open. I snatched a bouncy ball from my bag and threw it as hard as I could. It hit the door with a satisfying thud and I was surprised when the lights flickered.

By the time the ball reached my hand, the door opened all on it's own.

I was relieved to find my sonic screwdriver was still in my bag, but then again, why wouldn't it be? I dropped the bouncy ball into my backpack. I put my backpack on, happy that it was as light as ever. I held my screwdriver in my right hand and journeyed into the unknown- the hallway outside the door that was no longer blocking me from everything else.

After only a few steps, I turned back towards the way I had come, but it was nothing but hallway. I was as lost as a rat in a maze.

I kept walking, and soon heard voices ahead.

"Doctor, why do you have a young lady in that room back there?" asked a feminine voice.

"The TARDIS always has different rooms at any given time, Amy." replied the Doctor.

Doctor? I listened more intently to the conversation coming from ahead.

"Were where you yesterday?"

"TARDIS thought I needed to go take a walk," came the Doctor's reply, "but what I didn't tell you yesterday is that I took a walk into a seemingly abandoned place filled with angels, found a kid, and I'm not a low person, so I decided against leaving the kid for the angels."


I must have said that out loud, because suddenly I had walked right into an engine room and three people were looking at me.

The one wearing the bowtie stepped forward, about to say something. Heart pounding in fear because I was really, really confused, I pointed my screwdriver at him. Yeah, I know it won't make a difference, but it's a ruse. Many creatures pretend to be fearsome or dangerous, such as some moths, cats, dogs, many things. It's a common tactic. He kind of froze, so I think he bought the ruse.

Not so much.

He took a hesitent step forward.

I took a step back, still holding my screwdriver and pointing it at him. He slowly reached into a pocket of his coat and pulled something out. With a flick of his wrist, he was now holding a sonic screwdriver, the tip slightly glowing.

Time lord.

"What is your name?" he finally broke the silence, talking softly, not making any sudden movements.

"Name?" I asked, confused about what I should say, "don't have one."

"Why were you in that building?"

I didn't see a reason to lie, "the lizard people kept me there, for as long as I can remember."

"How old are you?"

"How old are you?" I retaliated. Then, remembering that if he was a Time Lord too, he could regenerate, "which regeneration are you on?"

"Asked you first," he replied. When I didn't respond, he finally said, "I tell you, you tell me. Lost count at a thousand I think, eleventh regeneration."

"Fifteen, second regeneration," I replied, feeling like a toddler in comparison to somebody more than a thousand years old.

"How did that happen?" he asked, losing his interogitive manner and looking truly curious.

"Elevator shaft broke a few months back when I was going down into the angel mines, smashed right into the rock floor fifty feet below," I responded.

"Angel mines?"

"Uh, might have accidentally left the door open last time," I added.

"They sent you into a place infested with angels!?" he sounded truly horrified.

I reached into my backpack and brought out a little bit of my treasure hoard, "no, no, they just wanted me to get these, see?" I said as sparkling emeralds, sapphires, diamonds, and other gems flooded over my hands before I dropped them all back into my blue backpack.

"Where's your parents?"

"Never met mum," I said, feeling excited. I tried not to be to give to many hints, I really wanted to be dramatic about this. After all these years, I deserve this moment.

"Then where's your dad?"

Not sure how to put it, I said the first thing that came to mind. I looked right at this bowtie wearing time lord in front of me and took a deep breath.

"Hi dad."

Angels and Timelords: The Doctor's Daughter (a Doctor Who/Big Hero 6 crossover)Where stories live. Discover now