Lucky Cat Café

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(Don't own Doctor Who or Big Hero 6.)

"Here we are, be quiet though. Everybody's probably asleep," Tadashi whispered as he pulled a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. As he took off his shoes, I, who wasn't wearing any shoes, was told to go look at the menu. He came over a few seconds later, "see anything you'd like?"

"What's that?"

"Ice cream," he said, going to stand behind the counter.

"Can I try some?"

"Sure," he nodded, taking out a large, strange looking spoon-like thing and a tan, bread looking looking thing. He scooped some 'ice cream' into the tan thing and handed it to me before going to rinse off the spoon thing. When he looked up and noticed my confusion, he said, "it's called an ice-cream cone. It's edible."

I bit into the ice cream and my eyes widened. I practically swallowed the thing whole and tried not to squeal. I'm still used to the flavorless pellets and the only thing we ever had for a meal was fish sticks and custard, "party in my mouth!!" I shout-whispered.

Tadashi laughed and led me to the bathroom, "you have a toothbrush, right?"

"Yeah," I pulled my backpack around and reached into the black hole of it, picturing the toothbrush and toothpaste in my mind.


It startled me and a bouncy ball shot out like a cannon. Luckily, Tadashi caught it before it could take his eye out.

"Bigger on the inside backpack. You timelords have it allwas, huh?"

I grinned in pride, "actually I'm only half-timelord. The Doctor is the last one. And before you ask, no, I don't know what the other half is."

"What happened to the other timelords?"

"Seriously, my dad said the Timelords died off centuries ago," I frowned, taking the bouncy ball that he handed back to me.

"Wow, now I feel super old. Time travel I guess, right?" Tadashi grinned slightly as he got a toothbrush and toothpaste out of a cupboard.

I nodded before turning around towards the sink. I jumped, startle, and almost screamed, "there's a person in your wall!"

Tadashi frowned, "that's called your reflection. See?"

A person who looked like Tadashi slung his hand over the girl in the wall's shoulder, copying Tadashi.

I blinked, and the girl mimicked me. She had long hair in a ponytail, but her hair was brown and black and looked like a toirteshell cat's fur. Her eyes seemed to have every shade of blue. She was beautiful.

"That's me?"


We brushed our teeth and I followed him up to his room. He opened the door quietly.

A young teen with unruly black hair was sprawled across, the bed closest to the door, fast asleep and snoring loudly.

Tadashi silently crept past and quietly pulled open a divider. When I walked into his part of the room, he silently closed the divider. His room was neat and kind of smaller than his brother's side.

"Same as the moment I left it. Must be the same day still," Tadashi observed, "you can take the bed. I'll take the floor."

"No, it's fine," I replied.

"No, I insist."

"No offense, but you have braud shoulders, and I don't think there's enough space for you to sleep on the floor. Plus, you're not actually all that short." I replied.

He grinned, "thanks for the compliment, but it's not like we're going to share the bed, right?"


I yawned and moved closer to Tadashi, shivering at the cold temperature in the room. We had eventually agreed on sharing the bed, back to back since it wasn't exactly king-size.

"Why did you have a bouncy ball in your TARDIB?" Tadashi asked sleepily.


"The S in TARDIS stands for ship, right? The B in TARDIB stands for backpack."

I stiffled a laugh, "what about the T, A, R, D, and I?"

"I forget. I don't think he ever explained it to me. But fine, we'll call it the IBOTI. Pronounced eye-bot-e. Stands for It's Bigger On The Inside."

"Okay," I smiled, "it's because I have a strange obsession with them. The Bouncy-ball Queen."

Tadashi snickered, "BBQ."


He cleared his throat nervously, "I didn't think about that. Fine, BB."

"Isn't that the nickname of the teen titan character, DC's Beastboy?"

"Huh, guess you're stuck with the name Classified." 

Angels and Timelords: The Doctor's Daughter (a Doctor Who/Big Hero 6 crossover)Where stories live. Discover now