First Time for Everything

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(I do not own Doctor Who.)

When my dinner of bland dogfood like food pellets came, I ate them all, not knowing if there would be food wherever I plan on going once I escape. Up till now, I've just been thinking of escape, but now that the fail or win moment is looming, where am I planning on going? I've never really known anything but this dreadful place, so perhaps I'll simply run as far as I can and see how things go from there.

I sighed as the lights dimmed, signaling that it was time to sleep. Perhaps I'll put it off for a few more hours, just in case.

I fiddled with my trusty backpack, reaching in, summoning a bouncy ball, tossing it from hand to hand as if contemplating the option to risk waking up a guard by bouncing it, put the bouncy ball back, and repeating the whole process five minutes later.

It was during one of those short times with me sitting on the edge of my bed, thinking about reopening my endless backpack and grabbing another bouncy ball. Finally, I drifted to sleep, having the strangest feeling that I had forgotten to close the trapdoor to the tunnel.

Angels and Timelords: The Doctor's Daughter (a Doctor Who/Big Hero 6 crossover)Where stories live. Discover now