This. Place. Is. Freaking. Boring.

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(I do not own Doctor Who!)

I swirled around in my swirly chair until I got so dizzy I literally fell off the chair. After that, I wobbled around while the white-walled boring room that is my world swirled around me.

I dug through my bigger on the inside blue backpack, what I wanted pictured in my mind. I let out a short shout of success as I pulled out a sparkling, blue bouncy ball.

I know it drives my captors crazy, but I have a weird obsession with bouncy balls. I don't know why.

I threw it at the one-way glass, if I was lucky, it might startle them. The bouncy ball bounced off the wall with a satisfying thunk and seemed to fly back to my hand. That is the skill of the bouncy ball master. Yes, I am THAT obsessed with bouncy balls.

I settled down like I was about to meditate and tossed my bouncy ball.

THUNKthunk, catch the ball as it bounces off the glass, bounces on the floor once and returns to my hand. Toss, bounce, bounce, catch, repeat.


I kept this up for about twenty minutes, and could have kept going for at least a couple hours, but the door opened and one of my captors walked in. I hid my bouncy ball and faked an innocent look, pretending to be a good prisoner. But what's the worst they can do to me? I'm not five anymore, they can't just stick me in a corner.

"You're throwing the bouncy ball again," the lizard person told me in a raspy voice.

"So?" I shrugged, "what are you going to do, argonian? You guys have already kept me here since I was, like, four!"

"You are only fifteen. You are a nothing anyways," the 'argonian' spoke through clenched teeth, irritated by my nickname for them.

"Nuh-uh," I grinned, rolling onto my back and looking at the now upside down lizard-man. I waved my fingers as if trying to creep him out, "time lord."

The lizard-man shifted uncomfortably, "not a full time lord,"

I grinned, "mostly."

"Fifty fifty," the lizard-man replied.

"Fifty percent time lord, fifty percent," I paused and gave the lizard-man the evil eye, grinning evilly. As usual, the lizard-man left in a flash. They never wanted to learn exactly what kind of abilities I have.

For instance, my captors often stare at me, unblinking. And I never get severely punished for anything because they refuse to even lay a finger on me. I'm fine with that. I'm not allowed to touch anybody either, and there's no windows or mirrors anywhere, which really stinks. Oh well....

I sat down in my swivel chair at my desk. My desk can be like a regular desk where I draw and such, and when I have my lessons it turns into a touchscreen digital desk.

I don't like when I have to do things though. Like when I have to go in that one room. I always have to go in that room, once every week. Technicaly it isn't a room, it's a bunch of tunnels and caverns.

I cringed as a familiar bell sounded. I rolled my eyes and stood up, slinging my bag over my shoulder. Enough games, it's time to get to work.

"Took you long enough," the emerald green lizard-man growled, handing me my tool kit.

I childishly stuck my tongue out at him.

"I liked you a lot more before your regeneration," he huffed.

"Nah," I grinned, putting on a fez instead of a helmet, "personally, I like the 2nd me better."

I was led to the heavy metal door that they opened for me. There were no security cameras in here, I realized for the first time, glancing at the ceiling before crouching down by the heavy metal trapdoor.

I unlocked it with my savaged sonic screwdriver. Before I climbed down, I glanced around to make sure the door was closed and they couldn't see me. I grinned and dumped my tools into my blue backpack before easily carrying the now empty tool kit in one hand while carefully climbing down to the elevator below. It rocked a bit when I dropped onto it, but it was relatively new. The last one is the reason why I regenerated. The last one snapped and fell the whole way down.

Once it reached the bottom, I stepped out into the dark tunnel.

I concentrated, using the scientificaly added ability they gave me when I was little. The ability to sense gems and such.

Sensing nothing, I continued on down the tunnel. I turned a corner and shrieked in alarm as I came face to face with a weeping angel.

It looked slightly confused and ruffled it's stone wings. It reached forward, and I held my breath as it ran a cold, stone finger down my face. When nothing happened, it circled around me before simply picking me up like I was a sack of potatoes.

"Hey!" I shouted, unsure of what to do since I've never came face to face with an angel before, as it carried me down the tunnel, "put me down!"

It glanced at me and continued on down the tunnel.

"I mean it!" I screamed, uncomfortable. I'd spent most of my life without anybody even so much as tapping me on the shoulder. Now this creature was lugging me who knows where like I was a heavy bag or somebody he kidnapped.... wait a second....

I went limp, bringing my attack to a startling halt.

After a while, the angel put me down as if wondering if I was still alive.

As soon as it turned around, I leaped to my feet and made a break for it. Once I believed I was safely away and recognized the tunnel I was in, I filled the tool box wirh rocks until it felt to weigh about the same as it does with the tools. Then I set to work because they won't let me out of these caves if I don't have any diamonds or emeralds or something.

But today is the last day I'm putting up with this wretched place. Not that I've known anything but the cardboard like food pellets or the boringness of everything.

Angels and Timelords: The Doctor's Daughter (a Doctor Who/Big Hero 6 crossover)Where stories live. Discover now