Turns Out I Ran Over A Supposed To be Dead Guy

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(I don't own Doctor Who or Big Hero 6.)

When I woke up, something was holding me captive. I freaked for a second before realizing it was just Tadashi. At some point he had rolled onto his back and had wrapped his arm around me like I was a stuffed animal or something. He was still fast asleep, but I'm awake and ready to start my day.

I grabbed his arm and tried to push it off my gut, but Tadashi's stronger than he looks. I wasn't going anywhere. I noticed an alarm clock on a bedside table. 7:00 a.m.

No wonder Tadashi was still asleep. We got here at like midnight or so.

After about five minutes, I gave up trying to free myself. With a sigh, I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

Yeah...... no.

I gave up that idea in about a minute because I'm not really known for my patience.

I huffed in annoyance. And then Tadashi tried to roll over. It was kind of funny how he kind of yelped as he fell off the bed, but he kind of landed on me.

"Move, you big ooph," I grumbled angrily.

"Sorry," he blushed, clumsily getting to his feet.

"It's okay, you were unconscious so it's not really anybody's fault," I replied, brushing myself off.

Tadashi stretched before walking to the divider and opening it. He paused for a second before walking into the larger half of the room.

A chubby calico waddled over to me and rubbed his head against my leg. Tadashi's back!? And with a girl? That's new. Pretty though.

"It's not like that, but thank you for the compliment," I responded, reaching down to pet the calico.

The cat paused, staring up at me with wide, confused eyes.

"I'm going to just assume you've got the basic Timelord abilities down?" Tadashi asked, not even questioning why I'm talking to a cat.

"Yep," I smiled, scratching the tom behind his ear.

The cat purred, timelord? My mother used to tell me and my littermates stories about humanoid beings called timelords. Said they could speak cat, and somehow all human languages.

I smiled, "the TARDIS acts as a translator. I'm speaking gallifreyan right now."

Well, you have my personal approval to be here. The humans call me Mochi.

"Nice to meet you," I smiled at him before straightening up.

"Coming, Classified?" Tadashi asked, opening the door, "you might want to grab your backpack. I left my things in my lab, but I'm probably late."

"Okay," I nodded, racing back to grab it. I slung it over my shoulder and rejoined him by the door.

Tadashi opened the door before racing down the stairs, me close behind. He hurried through the café, grabbing two apples from the bowl on the counter and tossed one to me. "See ya, Aunt Cass!" he called as he went out the door, eating the apple that he'd grabbed off the counter.

"Hi," I waved at the woman. Her eyes were wide, her mouth agape. She was absolutely still.

"Bye!" I said, racing to catch up to, Tadashi.

We finally reached a large building, and I followed Tadashi up the steps, through the doors, and down the halls.

"Wait!" I cried out as he went to open a door.

"What?" he asked, confused. Noticing that I had not even taken a bite out of my apple he asked, "you haven't eaten your apple?"

"Doctor says apples are evil," I replied, digging out the required items out of IBOTI. I gave a laugh of victory before turning around towards Tadashi. I handed him the apple before wrapping my arms around his neck.

Angels and Timelords: The Doctor's Daughter (a Doctor Who/Big Hero 6 crossover)Where stories live. Discover now