Didn't See That One Coming

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(I don't own Doctor Who or Big Hero 6.)

After Hiro scanned me and Tadashi back at the Hamadas' home, and after Aunt Cass freaked out, he set to work on his computer and we had to WAIT. I HATE waiting.

After FOREVER, Hiro came out carrying two big boxes and we all followed him to Fred's mansion, where we had to wait five seconds for him to pull the suits out of the boxes.

Tadashi was first. His suit was like Baymax's, which I didn't completely understand. Of coure, Tadashi's came with nanobot stealth technology, so I guess it wasn't exactly the same. Because of the nanobots, Tadashi also had increased strength, endurance, resistance, agility, and speed.

Hiro had let me help with mine.

The helmet was the same shape as Gogo's, but my suit was dark blue, with silver swirls around my arms and legs. There were key pads on the top of my arms, where I would set a specially designed bouncy ball which would be zapped into existence with a flick of my hand. I was a spiderman fan, so I had made sure to include the ability for the gloves and feet to stick to any surface just like spiderman. Of course, I also went with the web shooter idea as well.

It was AWESOME!!!!

"Thank you!" I shouted excitedly, picking Hiro up and hugging him.

"No problem," he smiled when I put him down.

"Time for our first mission as big hero 8!" Fred shouted enthusiastically. He was already in his suit, which looked kind of like a Halloween costume, and so was everybody else. In their suits, I mean.

And so we were off, those that could fly flying, carrying Wasabi and Honey Lemon. Gogo raced along in the streets and I webswang through the city.

If only the Doctor could see me now.

We landed in the garden of an old mansion.

"Okay, there's been reports of people going missing, and we need to find out why," Hiro reported, "so keep an eye out."

The smile disappeared from my face as I turned around. Angels.

One moved. I had never told anyone that the quantum lock didn't seem to apply if I was the only one looking at them, not even the Doctor. They may not be able to send me back in time, but my companions were fair game.

"I am satisfied with my care," I said coldly.

When the team turned to question me as Baymax deactivated, I shouted, "Tadashi! The angels!"

His eyes narrowed in anger and fear, but he understood. Tadashi didn't hesitate, "Wasabi, destroy the statues, everybody else, look straight at the angel statues. Do NOT look away, do NOT blink, and for gallifrey's sake, do NOT let them get anywhere near you. Anybody blinks, and we all die."

The seriousness in Tadashi's voice must have gotten to them on some level because Wasabi went to work destroying the statues. To my horror, one of the weeping angels was about to grab Tadashi. Without a second thought, I leaped in the way and screamed in pain as it's stone arms wrapped around my ribcage.

Tadashi leaped away on impulse, not taking his eyes off the angel. By this time, Wasabi had, destroyed the other angels. To obliterate the last angel would be to kill me too.

"Classified, you- you're still h-here?" Tadashi stammered before shaking his head, "nobody blink!"

"Can't... breathe."

"Just hold on."

But what he said next seemed kind of fuzzy, until everything sounded miles away, just as everything seemed to look like it was getting farther and farther away until, finally, I saw nothing at all.

Angels and Timelords: The Doctor's Daughter (a Doctor Who/Big Hero 6 crossover)Where stories live. Discover now