The Impossibility Of Fitting In 2

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So-ri pushed the door open and saw a long white tiled hallway decorated with pictures. Well art really.

Taking hold I'd the last of her cases, So-ri shut the door behind her and started slowly down the hall. It led to a spacious but empty living room. She took a seat tentatively and started looking around before a squeal brought her right back on her feet again.

"So-ri! You're finally here!." She got engulfed in a possessive hug before she got a look at the woman. "I'm so glad to finally meet you." The woman whispered in her ear before releasing her. "I'm your Aunt."

Madam aunt turned out to be a traditional looking Korean. She stood tall but plump with a wide face, small eyes and wide lips.

"Nice to meet you." So-ri replied with a bow.

The aunt nodded approvingly.

"I can imagine how sweaty you are after all those hours on the plain. Follow me and I'll show you to your room so you can take a shower. Leave your suitcases here, your uncle will bring them to your room. Come along.."

Two corners led to a row of rooms, in which one turned out to be hers.

"I painted and furnished the room for you all by myself." The aunt declared proudly as she ushered her in.

"Thank you. It looks beautiful.."

The room was big and pink walled with a king size bed, lockers, a huge looking wall closet. A reading table with two lamps on it, plus plenty of space around the room. And a rug covering the whole floor.

"It's lovely."

"I'm glad you like it. You have your own bathroom." She pointed at a door so-ri hadn't noticed before.

"Go right in and take care of business, I'll go fix something to eat for you while you're at it."

She came out of the bathroom steaming with a towel around her to find all four of her cases stalked nearly at the foot of her bed.

* * *

So-ri shut the door to her room softly and stood listening.

Satisfied with what she was hearing, she followed the sound of the voices and emerged in a kitchen/dinning room to find her aunt and uncle discussing how to deal with her twin daughters for ditching her.

"There you are, I was beginning to think you'd drowned in the tub." The older woman joked.

Then ushered her to a seat and placed a plate in front of her.

So-ri fell to with no idea what she was eating, but it was delicious, so never mind.

She looked around the kitchen as the ate, wasn't it suspicious that everywhere in the house was suspiciously neat?..

"Where are you two idiots?." Her uncle was speaking on the phone now.

"Still at the airport. Well she's already here. I want you back home in thirty minutes, or else.." He hung up leaving the threat unsaid.

"Ah, I nearly forgot. The university sent this for you last week." He placed a thick envelope in front of her "The semester is two months gone here-

"Two months?!."

"Don't interrupt when I'm speaking!."

So-ri blinked and lowered her face to her food.

"As I was saying, the semester is two months gone here, so you'll have to work extra hard to get your grades. I'll tolerate nothing less than Bs, do you understand?."

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