Broken, Lost And Another's

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Almost A Year Later.

So-ri sat in front of her mirror, staring at herself. She'd changed. Lost a lot of weight, her sense of humour, had forgotten how to even smile, and that ain't the worst of it. All because of Dae won.

She could remember the last time she saw him, she escorted him to the airport, where he boarded a flight to England for a writing session with some accursed celebrity just a week before graduation ceremonies.

She remembered his smile. How he had teased her to kiss him whilst the paparazzi took photos of them.

How he had told her he loved her, told her to wait for his return, boarded the flight after blowing a kiss at her from the steps and took off, never to be seen again.

A tear slid down her face.

The plane disappeared, they were still searching for it, but everyone onboard has been presumed dead, including her Dae won.

She went crazy after his disappearance, after the initial denial, she had tried everything in her power to see that the plane itself was found.

After six months of nothing, she tried to commit suicide.

After she was discharged from the hospital, she came home to meet a family meeting, of her whole family, even her mother. Dae won's family, the SJ boys and a bunch of other strangers.

After they made her promise in writing not to make an attempt on her life again, they announced that they'd all decided she should marry Yoon Joon. He would take care of her, help her to move on and forget Dae won, they'd even set a date for the wedding.

After fainting twice and accusing the whole congregation of being soulless Hippocrates, Uncle choi and Dae won's mother had dragged her off to a room, there, they informed her she had no choice but to marry Yoon Joon and move on with her life, let the dead be the dead.

So be it.

She got off her dresser and started for downstairs.

* * *

I watched So-ri come down the stair, my wife. Only in name of course. She had warned me not to come anywhere near her on our wedding night.

And I still haven't, it's been two months.

Even though she is thin, and constantly depressed so much that I have someone watching her when I go to work, she's still the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

And all mine, sex or not. Mine.

I do all sorts of things to please her, even cooking for her, but nothing has been working so far, I'm still trying thought, I won't give up.

I watched her take a seat.

"What do you want for dinner?."

"Nothing." She replied..

"Don't be like that Sweetheart, I don't-

Ding Dong! Rang the doorbell.

"I'll get it." I walked to the door opened it and saw Ji-Min.

* * *

Ji-Min rang the doorbell of So-ri's marital home and a second later, the door was opened by her former crush.

"I need to see So-ri, is she in?." She asked urgently.

"Yes, what's wrong?."

"Move please, I need to talk to my cousin."

"Why don't you tell me whatever it is first, I don't want her upset."

"What's going on Ji-Min?." So-ri asked from behind him "Is something wrong?."

"So-ri, Dae won is back." Ji-Min announced.

"What?!." Yoon Joon yelled He's dead!."

Behind him, So-ri fell to the floor in a dead faint.

* * *

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