Dae Won's House; Weird feelings..

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"Excuse us Yoon Joon." Ji-Min said, grabbed hold of So-ri and dragged her out of the room.

"Okay, Ji-Ah is annoyed like that because Dae won is..err..shall we say all over you?."

"All over me? What do you mean all over me?."

"Well, he seems to be showing you with a lot of attention. Do you remember Ji-Ah talking about a guy she had a crush on? Well Dae won is that guy."

So-ri looked around thoughtfully.

"Does he know she has a crush on him?." She finally asked.

"I don't think so, not yet anyway, but he's bound to find out someday soon."

"Well, she has nothing to worry about. Nothing is going on between me and Dae won. We're just friends."

"Doesn't seem like that to me." Ji-Min said in a small voice.

"What does it seem like to you then?."

"Seems to me that you are becoming a little more than friends."

"Oh puh-lease! Me and Dae won? Perish the thought! I can barely stand him!." So-ri declared.

Yoon Joon who was eavesdropping on their conversation smiled at this point. Hope kindled in His heart.

"Don't be sure of anything yet, you might change your mind later." Ji-Min was saying.

"Hmn! Don't think I will. What about you? Is there a guy you have a little crush on?."

"No." Ji-Min replied too quickly.

"Aha..so Choi Ji-Min has a crush on Someone." So-ri said in a singsong voice "Tell me, who is it? I won't tell."

"Okay okay..it's Yoon Joon." Ji-Ah confessed.

"Hmm..that makes sense, you look like his type."

So-ri looked up to see Ji-Min blushing. "Aww..look at that red face, you're really cute you know that?."

"Shut up." Ji-Min replied with a playful smack at So-ri's arm. "So, are you going to Dae won's tomorrow?."

"Nope. I'll just go to iTunes and get the song, no way I'm going to his house."

Yoon joon did a little dance of happiness at the door. Take that Dae won.

"Oh my God."


"He was right, you are a bad neighbour."

"You too?."

"The Guy has been a great friend to you, driving you to school every morning, helping you with your studies, and a little detour to his house is beneath you?."

"Beneath me? It's not like that at all." So-ri replied in a hurt voice.

"Is that a yes you'll go tomorrow then?."

"I'm going only if you promise to be my escort."

"Deal." Ji-Min replied.

Yoon joon by the door didn't like this part of the conversation.

* * *

Next morning. So-ri made it downstairs dressed in s nice purple midi, equipped with her school handbag.

"How do I look?.". She asked Ji-Min turning round for her.

"Like a fat cow." Ji-Ah answered.

"Shut up you. Don't mind her, you look dashing. Is that the dress you're wearing to Dae won's?.? A nod. "Cool, let's go."

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