The Weekend 2.0

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"Oh Ji-Ah, hi. Me and So-ri had a fight, because we were trying to look out for her you know, and then she went ballistics on me."

So-ri shoved Dae won's hands off her shoulder.

"I can't believe you just said that Dae won! And right after you apologized, that means you didn't mean it!."

"Ya..So-riya..there is no need to get agitated again.."

"Agitated? Ho ho.." She paced back and forth, looking very red in the face before she took off towards the kitchen.

"Why is she so difficult?." Dae won complained.

"Oh my Gosh, you guys are like an old couple." Ji-Min began "You had a fight, made up and went right back to it the next second..I can only imagine what you two will be like if you get-" Ji-Min became aware of the hostile glances her dragon twin was directing at her."I'm just going" She muttered and quickly followed in So-ri's wake, leaving Dae won and Ji-Ah alone in the living room.

* * *

Ji-Min arrived at the kitchen to find So-ri removing pieces of fruits from the kitchen and placing them on the kitchen table.

"What are you doing?."

"Homemade fruit juice, to calm my nerves." So-ri snapped.

"I'd like to help if you don't mind. So..what happened between you and Dae won?."

"Can you believe him and those guys, they.." And the explanations went on and on.

* * *

"So, what happened between you and So-ri?." Ji-Ah asked.

"Oh nothing much, I just tried to explain the ways of our society to her and she took it the wrong way."

"She's so ignorant." Ji-Ah said.

"Not ignorant really, she's still new and trying to adjust, she'll fit in in no time, you'll see."

"You're defending her." Ji-Ah realized.

"Not really, just seeing things from a sympathetic point of view. She has a cute attitude towards looking at things. It's adorable."

Ji-Ah couldn't believe what she was hearing. It just wasn't possible.

* * *

So-ri poured the now ready fruit juice from the blender to a waiting jug.

"It smells so good."

"I know right? Should we put it in the fridge? Tastes better when it's chilled."

"No, let's just put a few ice cubes in it. Cause I can't wait to taste it."


* * *

Dae won looked up from his phone to see Ji-Min and So-ri walking into the living room with a tray.

"Hey..that smells nice.." He complimented as they set it down on the floor and sat next to it. "What is it?."

"Fruit juice." Ji-Min replied as she poured out a mug and handed it to him.

"Hmm! Real nice!." He said after a sip, "Who's the genius behind this inventive invention?."

"So-ri of course."

He sneaked a glance at So-ri who was ignoring him.

"Hey So-ri..nice juice.." He said in a small voice.

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