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None of us moved, we were both glued to our seats. I know we probably won't ever see each other again, but he looked like someone you'd like to be friends with. Tanned skin, hazel eyes, and black hair. He had a warm smile that makes you a little bit confident to talk to him.

But after what seemed like an eternity with none of us moving, I stood up and started walking away, leaving the boy behind and walking towards the stores again. This time, with a little bit determination to actually shop for something.

I did find something, a black wool beret I've been wanting for a while. It lifted my mood a lot, I almost bounced while walking from excitement, I got out of the mall and saw the boy again, this time a little bit more closer than the last time. He smiled at me and I smiled at him back once more before I kept on walking. However, I found my vision suddenly blocked from a beige t-shirt.

I looked up and there was the boy, smiling again at me.

"Hey." He said.
"Hey." I smiled while replying
"I'm Victor, and you?" Victor, a little bit of a unique name
We shook hands and stayed silent for a while, it was an awkward silence, honestly.

"Hey, would you like to go out sometime? Like hang out at the mall or something?" Victor eventually asked.
"I would love that." I smiled.
"Great, give me your number" He took out a notepad and a pen, which I found weird because in this world, you almost never see anyone with a pen and a piece of paper, we always rely on our smartphones instead.

I took the pen from him and wrote my number, then wrote my name next to it. I gave him the pen back. He started writing something on the notepad and tore the paper off the notepad, giving it to me. I looked at it and saw his number next to his name.

"Thank you, I gotta go now, nice to meet you, Victor." I waved while smiling.
"You too, Marilyn." He smiled back.

I guess the trip to the mall wasn't so bad after all. My mum nagged me to go out and breath some fresh air, and technically the mall is a closed space but it was a nice change. I got a beret and a new number.

Me, Myself and I Where stories live. Discover now