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After school and walking back home, I put my bag down and threw myself on the bed. I was exhausted, and the bed was so comfortable and warm. I was starting to go to sleep when my phone beeped-signaling a notification and waking me up. I get lots of notifications throughout my day, from friends and such. Problem is, I have so many friends, just not ones who want to actually get close to me, or maybe the problem is me. I was going to ignore the message when an unknown number caught my eye, peeking my interest.

06:07 pm October 10th
Unknown: Hey, it's Victor from the mall.

I immediately remembered him, feeling appreciated that he did actually text me. I felt bad that I didn't save his number when I got back home that day, but I was feeling so good, I totally forgot.

I debated on whether I should wait and reply later not to seem desperate but decided against it. After all, I gave him my number without even knowing anything about him.

I sat up straight on bed, typing my response.

06:09 pm
Marilyn (Me): Hey, Victor! How are you?

Sending the message, my legs started bouncing up and down, waiting impatiently for his message. Hearing the beep once again, I held my phone immediately.

06:15 pm
Victor: I'm good and you?

I typed again, telling him I'm good.

06:19 pm
Victor: What are you doing tomorrow after school? I'm going to the ice cream parlor and I was wondering if you'd like to hang out.

I wasn't gonna do anything, but somehow I felt a little weird about hanging out with a complete stranger I don't know anything about. I decided to just go with it and maybe, he may become a good friend of mine.

06:20 pm
Marilyn (Me): I'm not doing anything, meet at 3:15?

06:21 pm
Victor: Sure, see ya

I read the message and slowly read the whole chat again because I noticed something in it. After pondering for a minute or two, I noticed that Victor's way of texting was literal and way too classic. No slangs like "wyd, c ya, etc.." which made the chat somehow actually have more meaning. I found it interesting because I type like that myself and my friends make fun of it, saying it's too time consuming to write full words. In my opinion, though, taking a second or two to write well and give words more meaning doesn't seem like such a bad Idea.

I closed my eyes a little again, laid on my back, and took a few deep breaths. I was already excited for tomorrow. Feeling myself starting to fall asleep, my mum had to choose the right time and call me down for dinner.

Going downstairs, I met my mum and dad with a smile, we sat down to eat. "Mum, dad, I might get back a little later after school tomorrow, I'll hang out with a friend," I told them nonchalantly, letting them know so that they don't get worried. My dad muttered an "ok" before continuing eating and complimenting mum on her food.

Mum smiled brightly and stopped eating, "about time, Marilyn! I have never heard you say that before," she continued eating again. I rolled my eyes at my mum's drama and smiled. I have friends and have hung out with them before, I just somehow feel like I don't fit it. Let's hope for the best tomorrow and that I actually have a nice time because I'm excited to meet someone new and nervous that it might not work out and it will be extremely awkward.

But what can we do? We gotta take risks to find out.

Me, Myself and I Where stories live. Discover now